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Worst Morning Yet



Okay, so today's friday and my class starts at 10 so i could get enough sleep and wont have to rush about like every other morning. So i took my time getting ready. I was tagging along a friend in his car for the ride to class and he said we're off at 9:50. Cool. No worries. But then my bestie texted me complaining that the friend that we're tagging along with asked him to finish the appendix of our report (all 3 of us are in the same group) at the very last minute (due date was that day). S'kay. Even tho my friend was complaining a lot he still managed to get it done. By that time it was already 10. We went up to his room and turns out he has not even print the report out and that took us another half an hour. Class has already started and another friend of ours was waiting down at the bus stop (she too was tagging along and is also one of our group member). No biggie. Being late was normal but damn were we in a rush! Plus the heat didnt help much. By the time we reached class (wasted another 10 minutes cuz we went to the wrong building at first) we were sweating like pigs and we're completely lost. Cool. No worries. Our final team mate was already there plus she's a genius and she covered the work for us. Now here's the worst part. When i finally got back to my room, i found out i left my keys inside and so i called and called my roomie until he finally answered saying he's on his way to the city.....i began to panic. Me and my bestie (he stayed by me even tho his mom is already waiting to take him home) actually tried to break the window grill so i can climb into my room and almost made it but then bless my roomate he came back for me. Omg....all that happened in one damn morning and thank god i've great friends and roomie XD thing is what's bothering me is that i know they'll prolly say you would've done the same thing for them, and of course i would!...at least for now....im afraid i'll forget in the long run and when they expect my help, i'll turn them down cuz i'd think it wasnt necessary...but but then again...i'll just try my best to be a good friend and roomie.


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