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The Bard's Pursuit (1) - An L P W Ballad




A friend has had a trying August (his words) - so, to cheer him up, I started writing this ballad. It is loosely based on elements of Last Post Wins, a popular game on GA. It is a fun piece with the consistency of a meringue and the emotional depth of a puddle :P







The bard's pursuit (Part 1)


A grasping bard did gold desire,

He plotted all the while.

He drained his cup all through the night

And thought with all his guile.


One cool, bright morn he hurried forth

And thought he had a plan.

He'd schemed and plotted wicked things

As only a rhymer can.


The crown he sought was of the Queen

Whose knights were fair and strong.

The cunning man had only words

All fancy, short and long.


The bard did walk close by the gate

And hailed a knight within,

'Good sir, pray let me in full speed

I have love's heart to win.'


The knight looked at the man in front

And what he saw was fair.

To let him through would be a crime

And that he did not dare.


The cunning bard let loose his tongue,

He flattered with all his might.

He sang sweet songs of love and praise

And made all wrongs seem right.


The knight he blushed as pink as dawn

And then he felt a kiss -

So sweet with love and tender care,

His heart was full of bliss.


He sighed full long then gave the word

And let the man straight in.

The wily bard him spurned, then ran,

The shiny for to win.


He sought the queen throughout the court

Her knights he kept at bay.

He wreathed himself in smiles of love,

They stood not in his way.


The bard at last he found the queen

And thought, 'The crown is mine!

I am its rightful owner now,

No more shall it be thine.'


Part 2 will follow in due course ...

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Have read this before of course, on the Live Poet Society forum. It's very good, fun and just what that friend of yours needed I think. 

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Have read this before of course, on the Live Poet Society forum. It's very good, fun and just what that friend of yours needed I think. 


I hope so - and I'm having so much fun writing it and learning about the poet's craft at the same time. Not bad for a meringue!

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  • Site Administrator

I'm really looking forward to Part 2.  What a nice, light-hearted homage to our friend. :)  

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I'm really looking forward to Part 2.  What a nice, light-hearted homage to our friend. :)

Welcome back, Val! Thanks for this - I've just finished Part 2 and sent it off.

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6 hours ago, Headstall said:

Bloody brilliant :) 

Thanks, Gary. It was one of the first things I wrote and I surprised myself.

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