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Waking up on a cold winter Sunday - the first news flash on my mobile tells me that Ringling Brod. Circus is shutting down after more than 100 years of operations.
What a shame! I've never seen them, but I understand it IS a national heritage. In good times and in bad, bringing joy to not only kids but families, all of America. One needs to go back in time to really get thet feeling of" The Circus Is Coming Into Town"


On Awesomedude.com Seth Newman gives us a glimpse into the world of circus and in particular the immense logistics involved in his tale "Leaving Flat Iron Creek". Back in the 20-30ies, when hundreds of horses were needed to move all the stuff from the special train to the showgrounds. When drivers had more than ten horses hitched to a single wagon to transport the massive poles and canvas bundles for the big tent.


The Ringling Circus train is still the largest in the world. It's about a mile long, I think, and has more than 50 cars. Just watching them, from rolling into the railway yard and setting up for the show, is an amazing experience. You'll find plenty of stuff on youtube.
But have a look, at the few old movie clips, from even before 1900..... and then go and watch their last show ever on earth- with tears in your eyes


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Carlos Hazday


They happen to be in town this week and today's their last performance. I thought about trying to go but decided to instead keep the happy memories from when I last saw them years ago.



I've never seen them either and yes, there are good and bad things about circus' but Ringling Bros. was a big deal at one time. 


Must be some amazing stories ... 



I read "Leaving Flat Iron Creek" a long time ago... it was a great read... and everything changes... sadly....

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