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Kemal, The Story Of An Eastern Prince....

A song I like - and so it was also the first greek song I tried to sing in my favorite Greek restaurant. There exists a much different version in english, more like a nonsense /fun kids song.     Στίχοι: Νίκος Γκάτσος Μουσική: Μάνος Χατζιδάκις Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Αλίκη Καγιαλόγλου   Άλλες ερμηνείες: Βασίλης Λέκκας Μάριος Φραγκούλης Μαρία Φαραντούρη Αλκίνοος Ιωαννίδης Μανώλης Μητσιάς Σαββίνα Γιαννάτου   Ακούστε την ιστορία του Κεμάλ ενός ν




Waking up on a cold winter Sunday - the first news flash on my mobile tells me that Ringling Brod. Circus is shutting down after more than 100 years of operations. What a shame! I've never seen them, but I understand it IS a national heritage. In good times and in bad, bringing joy to not only kids but families, all of America. One needs to go back in time to really get thet feeling of" The Circus Is Coming Into Town"   On Awesomedude.com Seth Newman gives us a glimpse into the world of circus



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