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Sneak Peek - The Pack

The Pack - multi-chapter, wolf-shifters
I have been working on this for so long, it is my baby, my one true love. It won't be posted until I have the plot flushed out a bit more. But I have lots of teasers for it.


The myth behind the wolves


The Morrígan worked very closely with groups of men called männerbund, these groups were made up of young warrior hunters who lived on the borders of society and indulged in lawless acts.
Often, she enlisted these groups to assist her in her plots for war and revenge; basically they were mercenaries.


Morrigan found many of these groups were shrinking as the members grew up and decided to give up their lawless ways and properly join society, often due to starting/ wanting to start a family.
In order to convince them to stay with her she gifted those who remained loyal the ability to change themselves into wolves. While in human form they had increased strength, speed,stamina and senses. While in wolf form they maintained their human minds.


Morrigan made no attempt to control her creations outside of making sure they were completing her tasks. The männerbund used their ‘wolf skills’ in order to commit more vicious crimes; including rape and murder. Often with the intent of breeding more of their own kind.


In order to combat this new threat Cernunnos gave another group of warriors the ability to also turn themselves into wolves in order to protect their people. These wolf-shifters were given the names MacTier.


When the Morrigan was confronted about the abominations she had let loose she refused to take responsibility. In order to save face she cut ties with the groups but could not take the gift back.


Cernunnos give them the choice: give up their evil ways and join the Mac Tier or continue to live lawless and be cursed. Many in the group believing in Morrigan's protection refused to amend their ways. Not knowing that when she ‘disappeared’ she also denied them her favor and protection.


Those that refused Cerunnos’ offer were cursed with great pain during their change and that ever if they lay with a human, as soon as they turned wolf again, they would lose their human form. Once one lost their human form they began to lose their human mind. Eventually becoming feral and very dangerous.
The idea of this curse being that it wouldn’t stop them from mating (children were often the reason most decided to ‘turn good’), just from raping or tricking unsuspecting humans into bearing their young. Another wolf would be able to tell what they were by scent.
The cursed wolves soon became known as Dire Wolves

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Intetesting premise. Curious to see how you flesh out the story.

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