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I recently started, slowly, 'coming out' as gender fluid.

Some of my close friends and husband, some random people at work and acquaintances i felt would be accepting/ understanding.\

Started updating my wardrobe and finding ways to battle the dysphoria when I'm in a situation I'm unable/uncomfortable presenting honestly on "boy days" (such as at work or situations where I have to be "kiddo's Mom". 

Today was a "boy day". :boy:

Hubby, kiddo and I went shopping. I had on a great neutral outfit and was feeling awesome. And handsome :) Got some great neutral and "boy day" clothes. Had dinner and scowled when the waitress very obviously put the candies down in front of me and the bill in front of him :thumbdown:. And chuckled when the hubby passed it right over (because I always pay) :thumbup:.


Then, walking home a pick-up truck full of teenage boys drove by and yelled out the window at us.

I'm not 100% sure what they yelled, they were driving pretty fast.

But I'm pretty sure it was something along the lines of "F*ck*ng Fairies" or "F*ck*ng F*gg*ts" .:pissed:


And the inner conflict began.....

Part of my was all "who gives a sh*t what they think! F*ck 'em" <_<

Part of me was all "what kind of low lives think it's okay to yell things like that out the window at people? For christ sake give it up!"

Part of me wished I had moved quick enough to flash my (usually very obvious) t*ts their way to teach them about judging someone based on appearance. :evil:


But another part of me was just a little excited that walking down the street with my hubby and son a group of strangers was so convinced I was a guy they felt confident to assume we were a homosexual couple.  :2thumbs: :thankyou:


Those guys are till ass holes though. :pissed:

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Page Scrawler


Awww! Sorry to hear that those pieces of trash rained on your parade, Hon! :hug: Well, you don't know them, and they don't know you, so who are they to judge? :) I'm sure your hair was as awesome as always! :thumbup:

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