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A Tiny (Yeah...) Update

So...a quick update while I take a break from editing and creating this Hellsing Ultimate Word Crawl...

If you've noticed, on your end, The Roads That We Explore is sitting at chapter 4. Why? Well....Mostly because I'm holding onto the rest while I finish off their edits. I'm setting them up to post from October 25th at 3PM to October 31st at 3PM. I just set up story 7 and will be editing story 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the coming days. 

Next story to be worried about will be my holiday stories. I have 2 stories. One will be posted for the Month of Christmas. December 1st until December 31st. At, as usual, 3PM. That means I'll be writing it, rewriting it, and editing it in November. I'm going to try starting it this month but I have a few other things I need to finish. Seriously. Need to. And this word crawl is just one of them. 

Anyone want to edit my fluff for me? I'll probably ask in the Writers Club soon but still. Okay.

To tell you about the crawl: It is Hellsing Ultimate anime themed word crawl and it is going to be long. It's all episode base, and each episode is an hour long. 

The crawl will take a while to get done since I have timed attacks, timed word attacks, Hydras (if you don't know what that is, look up 50 Headed Hydra in the Nano Forums and shudder in horror. I've done those. They scare me.), D6 rolls of various kinds and various other word goals.

I'm going to make people cry. It'll be fun. For me.

And yes, I'll be doing it myself. I'm going to run it while I'm on Year of the Novel discord (invite is available but be warned: we're not exactly the sanest group of people) and I'll be running word wars on there to. It'll be fun. 

Now, I need to go prepare for episode 2 and getting things ready for November. *groans*


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