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March Classic Author Excerpt: No Fairytale World by Tiff



Did you catch Monday's blog featuring No Fairytale World by Tiff? Have you read the story yet? It is just waiting for you to have a few hours to a few days if you haven't!

This story has so many interpersonal ups and downs, highs and lows, and drags a reader in. I wanted to get to know more about the characters; from the beginning I ached for the main character. He was going through so many trials, but he was doing his best. Of course, life just keeps throwing wrenches at him. This section actually inspired the banner, so I wanted to share it. 



Andy looked at Pete incredulously, who appeared serious and concerned, the empty cereal bowl sitting in front of him. His hands were folded neatly in front of him.

“No,” Andy said abruptly, feeling bitter towards Pete and his obnoxious ways. Now the jackass wanted to talk?

“Ok,” Pete said after a pause. But he didn’t move and his dirty cereal bowl remained where it was. He had an expectant look on his face which irritated Andy further. Andy refused to look in Pete’s direction anymore.

They both remained in the kitchen. Finally, Pete stood and went over to the sink and rinsed out his bowl, his actions very slow as if waiting for something to occur. Andy nudged Pete aside to rinse his glass, still avoiding Pete’s eyes.

Then they stood side by side together, leaning on the countertop.

Pete broke the silence first by clearing his throat. “You were right.”

“What?” Andy asked frowning, turning slightly, looking at Pete’s profile. For the first time Andy noticed the prominence of Pete’s jaw. The bones protruded sharply, making his face look very angular. He had a slight under-bite that made his lips automatically pout. They looked fuller from this angle.

“It would be good for the both of us to get to know one another a little more,” Pete went on casually, his shoulders rounded in a comfortable posture, but the tense forearms perched on the countertop showed that he was a bit uneasy still. Andy didn’t know why.

“Really?” Andy asked suspiciously leaning closer. “Are you joking?”

“It seems we’re both in some sort of situation at the moment and it looks like we’ll be living here together for quite awhile. Maybe it’s better to have all our shit laid out so we can come home and not feel like we’re walking on eggshells,” Pete went on.

“Eggshells?” Andy demanded. “You’re walking on eggshells around me? I’m the one trying to be friendly and make conversation. You’re the weirdo slamming doors and being secretive or whatever.”

Pete’s head snapped in his direction. “I don’t trust people easily. Nowadays, I have to feel them out for a bit.”

“Yeah? What’s the verdict on me?” Andy asked wearily.

“You’re a persistent fucker,” Pete said honestly. Andy’s eyes widened. He didn’t know whether to be flattered or insulted. Pete stared hard into Andy’s eyes. “I can tell you have your own demons and secrets,” he continued in a soft gentle voice. “You won’t judge me. That makes you safe.”

Andy didn’t know what to say.


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