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Emotional Rescue

Cole Matthews


Ahhhh!  The plot is thickening.  The characters have developed perfectly.  You have balanced your pace so there is riveting action, informative scene setting, and a richness to your tableau.  Everything seems to be going so well, and yet, your beta reader drops a bomb on you. 

"It's just falling flat."  

What are you supposed to do?  Where do you turn?  How can you enrich and round out your characters?  How about a little emotional rescue? 

Let's try filling in the back story of your characters with some rueful or painful memories.  Let's get the juices flowing with some stirring, poignant history.  


#219 - What do you think about that always brings you to tears?  Make this personal.  Dig deep and give us a story about a time when you couldn't help but cry.

#220 - There is something nagging at you.  What is worrying you?  Interrupting your sleep?  Making you crazy.  Let's hear about a concern that you just can't let go. 


Please include the prompt number either in your story/chapter description or title to help readers who would like to search for specific prompts. Also, please remember that stories less than one thousand words must be posted as part of a collection.

If you check the subgenre 'prompt' in your story tags, then people/readers can find everything here:

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