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tachyphrasia - Word of the Day - Sun Jul 14, 2024




tachyphrasia (noun): abnormally rapid or voluble speech




His excitement for micromachines led to a bout of tachyphrasia, making it hard for anyone to follow his rapid explanations.


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Tachyphrasia is also known as cluttering and is a fluency disorder.

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After wasting time on the spelling (with an "r" or without ?). I came upon one of the rare instances, (for me anyways) that all the Wikipedia page had to say was: Redirect page to Cluttering. So...

Tachyphrasia - Wikipedia

Cluttering - Wikipedia

An interesting thought, put forward at the end of the cluttering article, was given by Deso Weiss. At the First World Conference on Cluttering, held in May 2007 in Razlog, Bulgaria. It had over 60 participants from North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Weiss claimed that Battaros, Demosthenes, Pericles, Justinian, Otto von Bismarck, and Winston Churchill were clutterers. He says about these people, "Each of these contributors to world history viewed his world holistically, and was not deflected by exaggerated attention to small details. Perhaps then, they excelled because of, rather than in spite of, their [cluttering]."



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Posted (edited)

Tachyphrasia is sometimes a symptom of injury to the speech center of the brain.

Edited by JamesSavik
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