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It's a new day

Well, a lot of things are happening today. The new congress takes over and for the first time in history, there's a female Speaker of the House. Another forst for today is the swearing in of a house representative on the Qoran, and a lot of people are flipping out over it. Well here's what I think:::::::::::

Warning: Rant Ahead


The representative who's choosing to be sworn in with the Qoran is exercizing his faith, and I feel better about him taking the oath on the Qoran than I would if he were taking it on a Holy Bible.....let me explain.

He's a Muslim, and if he holds the Muslim faith in his heart, why wouldn't the people in his district want him to take his oath on a Qoran??? How would it mean anything if he swore on a book that he didn't believe in?? I wouldn't feel to good about a congressman who didn't take his oath seriously, and it's obvious this guy does.

I think it's a sign of what so called conservatives really think about the responsibility of a representative of the people when they say he should take his oath on the Bible. I'm a proud born again Christian, and I take my faith seriously. So if I were going to take an oath and it were on any book but the bible, I wouldn't take the sacred nature of the oath seriously. I think the same rule applies for anyone of any religion, and the fact that so many so called conservatives are upset that he's taking his oath on the book of his faith shows how little respect they have for the people he represents, and for the task of being an honest representative who upholds the constitution. Then again, they've proven that time and time again, and it's obvious that they can't be trusted with the power they crave so desperately.

Speaking of faith, I'd like to say that now would be a good time to say a prayer for the new congress....I think if Republicans were the Christians they claim to be, they would have called on their followers from the Christian right to do just that. Well I have, and I'll do it again before I go to bed. Anyone who's read my blog knows that I have a special place in my hatred for both Democrats and Republicans, but no matter who's in charge, they need our prayers and our support because we need them to do the best job for our nation that they possibly can.


End Rant.


I recently took down What's The Difference, as everyone knows, but I'm ahead on Bodega Bay and I'm steadily working on Staking My Claim as well. Also, I'm rewriting What's The Difference and it'll be back up once I feel like it's stalker proof :pickaxe: In the meanwhile, I recently followed a google link here for a site called Story Write, and I liked what I saw and joined. My second day there I entered a story contest with a short story I never put up on my site because I thought it sucked ass, and it came in second place :2hands: Anyway, the link's too the right if you're intersted in reading it.





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Congratulations on the Silver! :2thumbs:


Camy B)



Nick, your perspective on this is quite perceptive.


As to swearing on something, the actual oath in Congress doesn't do that. People do ceremonial, personal, and/or photo op type things in their own offices, and often use a Bible or something to swear on. I heard that the guy borrowed Thomas Jefferson's copy of the Qur'an for his ceremony. That was a neat touch.


Presidents use Bibles for their swearing in at their inaugurations, but maybe about 6 or 7 of them didn't use one even for that. If Romney is elected President, he could choose books. Mormons use the Old and New Testaments as well as the Book of Mormon.


I like the irony of people swearing on a book that says not to swear on anything. (See Matthew 5:34-37.)


The Republicans are the party of bad ideas and the Democrats are the party of no ideas. The Republican stands up and says; I got a really BAD idea! and the Democrat stands up and says: And I know how to make it even SHITTIER!



The Democrats will be hard pressed to make the situation in Iraq any worse, so I can't completely agree with this.

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