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A Rainy Day



Strangely enough, we've had exactly the weather I imagined for my anthology story. Last year at the same time, there was a major heat wave (90


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The exhilarating feeling you get while working with enthusiastic writers like us is mutual. We too like to work with such experience, smart, funny, talented (thats it...I can't think of any more adjectives...lol) editors cum beta-readers.


Glad and honoured to have you amongst us.... :worship:


The BeaStKid

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  • Site Administrator

This was one of the most enjoyable anthologies I've been involved with. The sheer quantity and quality was amazing. I had fun writing the story, and even more fun reading the other stories. I'm now looking forward to the next one....

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Congratulations on becoming an Editor! :great:


Congratulations, too, on your excellent anthology story! I loved it!


I've been thrilled with the turnout for this anthology, both in quality and quantity.


BTW, Boy scouts?? You?? :P

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