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Modesto of my dreams

I'm on the road, again. Wednesday, I picked up a trailer full of Coke and took it to Redding and Marysville, CA. Then it was down to Modesto to pick up what I'm carrying now. Hopefully, I'll drop the trailer in Portland tonight and pickup another trailer headed south. I need to maximize my on-road time for the next few weeks. It was nice being off over Christmas; well, it was mostly nice being off over Christmas.


The wife is sick. She has a cold.


"My nose burns!"


"You have a cold."


"What am I going to doooo?"


"It'll go away in time. Be patient."


"I don't feel goooood. I coughed up a buuuunch of that phlegm stuff."


"Thanks, I think I'll have breakfast now."


Our son came out and spent the day with us. We took a ride down the back roads to Napavine for Christmas dinner. The restaurant is a little pricey, but there weren't a lot of complaints, as long as you don't listen to the wife. Her sandwich was too big and she had to take half of it home.


We all have big plans for all the money we're getting out of dear old mom and her house. I'm looking forward to some quiet time getting undepressed. I'm trying very hard to keep everything on an even keel, but the storm in my head seems to be winning right now. I keep looking for things to make be laugh, but feelings don't last long enough.


I've been seriously considering going away. (No! Not that!) A day doesn't go by when I think about how nice it must be to be saner. A couple days ago, I don't know exactly when, I was daydreaming about how life would be after ECT. Yeah, imagining myself brain damaged by medical intent. "We don't know how all that electrical stimulation works, but it seems to make them feel better." A rose by any other name...


I'd like to feel better. I'd like to wake up and know it will be a sunny day, every day, no matter how much it rains.


There's snow in the mountains. Right now, I might not have to put chains on going over Siskiyou Pass. Got to go.


Do me a favor, think happy thoughts, you'll feel better for it.


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Yay!! Modesto is where all of my memories from when I was little are. I was either one or two when we moved there, and we lived there till 1999. I still miss it sometimes :(

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