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Cause you left me, police scene, chalk line...



So, after much panicking and mayhem and nonsense, Rich and I have come to the same conclusion we had previously been at... Annemarie is NOT ready to have a boyfriend. Now that it's all settled, I feel MUCH better. Thank you to Jeff, Steve, Gregg, and Tony for calming me down while I was temporarilly out of my mind. I love you guys!


Speaking of Gregg... he put his two week notice in at work yesterday and I'm pouting. He's already been instructed that he BETTER come visit me and supply me with hugs.


So, I heard two really messed up stories today at work.


The first was told to me by an older guy I work with who is a checker. Ron was telling me that he had a HELLUVA day yesterday and so I ask him what happened? We have this customer that comes in... she rides one of those motorized scooter things because her legs don't work at all and her arms barely work. Typically she hands us a bag she put her few items in so we can ring them up for her and then she hands us her credit card since she can't even swipe it on her own really. So Ron says that somehow, her shopping bag must have pushed the steering controller forward and her scooter was repeatedly running into the checkstand and by the time he got over there, it was all messed up. Anyway, he helps her and then goes to lunch at Burger King which is eveidently random for him since he almost never goes there. While he's there, he runs into an old friend who is a cop and they're shooting the shit while they wait in line. Ron orders some food and as he's paying realizes that he has some blood on his hand from helping the scooter lady, so he goes into the bathroom to wash his hands and walks in on some 14 year old kid giving a blowjob to some man. He turns around and walks back out and tells his cop friend to go in there and then spent the rest of his lunch break filling out all kinds of statements and reports.


The second story was told to me by another older guy I work with in rebuttal to my freak out story about Annemarie. So this guy is a really nice, friendly, sweet man and I really like talking to him. He tells me that his daughter who is 18 came to him a couple months ago and asked him if it would be alright if a guy came over to meet them. He wants to get permission to come hang out with her, etc. He glances at his wife, and realizes that his wife and daughter have already discussed this and why is he the only one who doesn't know what is going on in his house with his kid!? He agrees to meet this guy the following Saturday. When he gets home, there is a BMW parked in front of his house and he's already thinking 'what kid drives a BMW?' He goes inside to meet this guy... who turns out to be 35. This guy seems to think he can talk man to man style and isn't really being very respectful and that pisses Carlos off. He finally tells the guy that he'll think about it, and when he's ready to talk to this guy, he'll let his daughter know. So Carlos has a friend who is a private investigator, and he calls him cause nothing about this feels right to him and this is his daughter. A week later, the friend calls back and it turns out that the guy is married with 3 kids. He tells this to his daughter who doesn't believe him... I mean, I get it. Who wants to feel like they were that blind or stupid to be duped like that. He tells her to get in the car, and they drive over to the house and go up and knock on the door. The guy's wife answers and they ask if the guy is home, and she says no, that he is out of town for a couple days. They ask who she is and she says she is the guy's wife. Turns out the BMW he drives around is the one her dad, who is a police chief or something, bought her. So Carlos is asking his daughter what happened between her and this guy, how long were they seeing each other, etc? Turns out it's been over a year, so she was still 17 then. She says she never slept with him, but he asked her and was telling her he would marry her. UGH! Meanwhile, while they are there, his daughter's cell phone rings, and it's the guy and so... Carlos gave the phone to the guy's wife to answer. Needless to say, he wasn't too pleased and is a total f**ker.


Oh, and a paramedic guy was in today and he and his partner bought some gum along with all their food for their shift, and then his partner was laughing at him because his gum was Zing flavored. So the paramedic turns to me and says tell him this stuff is GOOD! So I laugh and admit that I can't because I'm one of those boring 'I only ever have the same one kind of gum' people and he says to me, "Variety is the spice of life, Sweetheart. Trust me, you'll LOVE this!" And I'm thinking... where have I heard THAT before? :P



Anyway, I'm working all weekend and on the holiday, too. My kid is turning 14 and thinks she's ready to be someone's girlfriend and maybe kiss him some, but can't manage to look me straight in the face and ask if it's okay like someone who is mature enough to be in a relationship like that. Instead it went more like, "So, umm, Mom... What would you think, I mean, umm, well, you know, if, umm, ::look away:: well, if maybe, ::fidget with the sheets on the bed:: like if, well, maybe Derrick and I ::insert profuse amounts of blushing:: could be ::stares at the wall:: boyfriend and girlfriend?" OH MAN! She asked if she could invite this boy over so we could meet him since we had previously heard a less than desirable story about him and he wanted to meet us. Pretty gutsy on his part, and I give credit where it's due. I can overlook that he showed up on his bike in his skinny jeans, plugs, and a mohawk, because he talked to me and was honest. Besides, I married a guy with long hair... I'm not about prejudices based on looks. Anyway, she's not quite ready, and that has nothing to do with what kind of haircut the guy has or what cut of jeans he wears.


On the plus side, while I was totally not sleeping last night cause I was in a state of PANIC! I thought of all these crazy story ideas! maybe I'll get some of them on paper soon.


Alright, I'm done for now... Happy Labor Day Weekend!



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