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I'd ask for a do-over...



but I'm not sure if it would actually get better so I guess I'm going to remind myself that it's just stuff...


So, I was literally all over Earth yesterday trying to get ready for this birthday party we're having on Sunday, which, on a side note, I'd like to take this time to bitch about people who don't RSVP, f**king DO IT people, it's hard to know how much stuff to buy... ANYWAY, I bought a pinata, I went to the party store to buy candy and stuff for some games we'll play, I went to this place I hate but happens to be in the same parking lot as the party store and bought a couple random items, I came home and emptied the car out, went to the car wash, the bank, picked up Matty, whose birthday it was, brought him home THE dirtiest I have ever seen him, made him immediately take THE fastest shower he has ever taken and get dressed, picked Rich up from work, had my first thing to eat at 3pm, picked up Annemarie's dance leotard, went to my store to buy food for the party and order a cake, which I would make, but since I have to work till 10 tonight, no chance that is happening, and then came home to put all this food away, so then we could pick Annemarie up from practice, bring her home to shower and then take the birthday boy to Chuck E. Cheese, and of course we HAD to visit Toys R Us next door, and then Rich wanted frozen yogurt, and who am I to say no to some pomegranate yogurt with strawberries and rasperries on it?


Somehow before I even made it to the pinata store, I manage to bump my car into someones else's... nobody was hurt, my car is a little more or less ugly, depending how you look at it, but what's worse is, I STILL really have no idea how it happened. Also, at some point during the ridiculousness that was my day yesterday, I lost one of my diamond earrings that I've worn for like... 10 years. Rich gave them to me as a Mother's Day/Birthday/Anniversary present. I was in the car on the way home from my store, so if you followed the crazy timeline above, close to the end of my trek all over Earth, when I felt something fall down inside my shirt. Turns out it was the back to my earring, which makes me think the earring can't be far, but I called the store, had them check the parking lot where we parked, we went back there to check ourselves also, seeing as these things cost a LOT, and then everyone inside is on the look out, Rich checked the car, I checked the grocery bags... no earring.


Additionally, my pal Gregg from work had his last day there yesterday so that's a :sad: too.


I'm going to go cook a crazy amount of food, do a ridiculous amount of laundry, wake a grumbly Rich to wash a kitchen full of dishes, take a shower, go feed a teenager mid-practice, get some party games set up, assign Rich and Matty the job of figuring out how to fill the pinata, while making sure there is some actual candy left to put inside it, and then go to work till 10.


Here's to my day being better than yesterday...



PS. I would like it very much if, from now on, all books I buy could manage to be ones I haven't already read half of... kthxbai.


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