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A nice word to start a blog. Don't you think? :)


Some people are just greedy. They want everything. I call them bisexuals. I know that I'm shooting in my own lines but well that's it... I've been thinking a lot about my life lately (sometimes you'd just do anything to avoid doing what you have to do, like work


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Choices are often very difficult to make. There is no law requiring you to make a choice about sexual preference. Of course there is the natural law which wishes you would make up your mind and get on with it.


If indecision persists, the only reasonable thing to do is buy a smaller house. :P

  • Site Administrator


Well I spoke to you about this already, but my two cents are that we shouldn't have to categorize ourselves as one or the other. I am bi..but I live "straight" since the person I met that made me "choose" a gender I preferred happened to be male. You will be happy one day, in some relationship, until then why worry about leaning one way or the other? It will all come down to a person, not a gender! biggrin.gif There's your smile and happy thought too btw, another one for the day!



Unless you're filling out a survey or something, there's no need to define yourself. Just be happy in who you are specool.gif

Mark Arbour


Why is being bisexual being greedy? (He asks defensively). All it means is that you are sexually attracted to both men and women. What you do with it is your business.


If someone asked me that question in a conversation (what are you?), I'd probably simply respond: "Sexual."



I could be because bisexuals want to have best of both worlds? :) But that may also mean they get the worst of them...

Mark Arbour


I could be because bisexuals want to have best of both worlds? :) But that may also mean they get the worst of them...

You hit the nail on the head. More options, but it's very difficult to find just one person to satisfy you.

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