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Is this typical?

Hello to you all! I hope all of you are having a good start to 2010. I know I am, as someone special has entered my life... you may possibly know him.... but I'm not gonna tell - since neither of us are ready yet! :P


Now onto the seriousness.


Has any of you who has written a story ever have to back track and add a whole new chapter after you've already pushed ahead with a chapter and finished it in order to better explain events in the new chapter?


To clarify - my current chapter that is done is ready to be posted. However, due to the events taking place in the chapter, my editor/beta reader and I have decided that I need to do a chapter that explains how this current chapter came to take place. Does that make sense?


I'm just curious as to if any of you other authors out there have ever had that happen and how you try to avoid that (if you can).


That's all for now! Beginning on new project. I need to rest In Anticipation for a while. But rest assured it'll be completed before long!


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