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How dose one find a decent editor.

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I need to find a decent editor whom I can trust with my writings and wont go around giving out the scoop. If anybody knows of any good editors that arent going to tear me apart and leave me for dead your imput would be greatly welcome. I'm still kind of a newbe so my stories might suck excedingly. The editor must be ok with reading deep quote unquote "angry sex". And if I am decevied I might possibly shit on your harddrive. But dont let that stop you.


I can be contacted at Patrickgay17@walla.com


If you can help me title of e-mail should be YOU ASKED FOR HELP.


Thanks again and enjoy.

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Frist off Patrick, I have never heard of an editor here giving out secrets or advances of stories. It just does not happen, if you want to keep editing. I think that all the editors and proof readers here would be more than safe in that regard.


However I think you may have a hard time getting one with that "harddrive" threat. A good editor always tells you what they think, good, or bad. That helps the writer improve his writing.

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I was talking to a publishing company in Wyoming and they were talking about using one of my books. I needed the money so I thought what the hell. Well they had promised me twelve hundred dollars I was totally for it. I mean god who dosent want twelve hundred bucks. Well long story short they changed to tittle of my story they stole the story sent me four hundred and fifty bucks and a letter saying that if I gave out the publishing companys name or any other information pertaining to them they would sue. I talked with layers and they said there was nothing they could do. So I got screwed by a well known publishing company. I cant even give out the new title of the book. They did publish it they did rob me and I actually went and picked up a copy of my own book.

The company even went as far as to call me up and find out if I had anything else.

So long story short I dont want to get treated like that again.

It was top seller for more than a month but thats really all i can say.

and no im not bull shitting you.

So it wasnt a threat i've just been burned in the past and i dont want to have it happen again.

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First off, if you used word to type your document, it was dated when the document was created and would prove it was your story.


Copy right is real important when dealing with a publishing house and in a thread here the board discussed not too long ago, I will have to do some searching to find it again. But anyway any time you write a story just email it back to yourself and save the email as proof of copyright. If you have that then you have a case. The reason the lawyer most likely said to forget it was the amount of money involved. Depending on which state you live in that amount would normally come under small claims court, which normally means it is not worth the attorneys time. Very few people use attorneys in small claims court.


But anyway emailing the story back toyourself even before sending it to a editor would prove you own it.


Hope that helps you.



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