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Homosexuality is in the Genes?


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I mean, have you noticed how gays are the ones who have refined taste (for clothes, looks...), better looks (some of us are concerned about looks), artistically endowed (Da Vinci, Michealangelo, GAY AUTHORS! ), intelligent (this thread!)...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I've seen ugly gays with no taste in clothes. I've also met a gay guy who was definitely below average in intelligence (I believe he qualified for a disabled-person pension here in Australia, he was sufficiently mental impaired).


This has been discussed before and it was mentioned that there is a natural selection process in which gays come to GA that means that the members here tend to be more intelligent than the average.


That doesn't mean I don't like your idea -- I just don't think it's true.... :D

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but I've seen ugly gays with no taste in clothes. I've also met a gay guy who was definitely below average in intelligence (I believe he qualified for a disabled-person pension here in Australia, he was sufficiently mental impaired).


This has been discussed before and it was mentioned that there is a natural selection process in which gays come to GA that means that the members here tend to be more intelligent than the average.


That doesn't mean I don't like your idea -- I just don't think it's true.... :D



Grame, I think he was just pulling your genes! B)

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I mean, have you noticed how gays are the ones who have refined taste (for clothes, looks...), better looks (some of us are concerned about looks), artistically endowed (Da Vinci, Michealangelo, GAY AUTHORS! ), intelligent (this thread!)...


Don't you feel like we're kinda selected by the God to carry the flame of homosexuality? Like the Chosen ones? :D Sorry, I don't have proof though. :P


Take care,


Lol...That certainly made me smile and took the topic towards a lighter side. Thanks Ieshwar...


I believe that its genetics to a certain extent and then the environment/nurture comes into play...

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Well, I'm very late to the discussion, but as is often the case I agree whole-heartedly with the authors of the following posts:


I happen to think that psychology affects sexuality in many, many different ways. I think that several different situations and processes can contribute to it, and there is no one trump card that determines if you're queer, straight, or bisexual, or transgendered, or even asexual (yeah, some people do claim to not be attracted to anyone, explain that one).


-Being gay is wrong-


I hope, seriously, that BOTH sides of the debate have resolved this dumbass moral conflict. If everyone would get off their middle aged Inquisition-esque bullshit Christian moral high horses, we would all realize that the only things in life that are wrong are things that hurt people. If it doesn't hurt anyone, it's not wrong, end of story. If you happen to think differently... then oh well because you're incorrect. :) Before anyone jumps in yelling "ZOMG he's a n00b he don't gots teh respectz0rz fer ottter believes!" I will say this; sometimes it's necessary to step on the beliefs of others, and don't say you wouldn't tell a gay-basher f**K YOU in a hurry if he said you can't have a boyfriend.


THAT is a completely moot point. It has never been the discussion and I hope it doesn't ever become a discussion. Anyone who believes being gay, bisexual, transgendered, or whatthehelleveryouare is wrong is an idiot, plain and simple. However, that does NOT mean that we have to bury the truth in order to disarm those who would twist it to their purpose. Truth is good, and whether the truth is that you're gay because you're born that way or you're gay because your dad didn't hug you enough doesn't matter. However, for those of us who want to know, the truth is something worth striving to understand.

Addressing people specifically now.


Gay=/=bad. Gay=straight=bi=anythingthatdon'thurtanybody=normal. Psychology=/=why people are gay. Genetics=/=why people are gay. Genetics+Psychology=why people are gay. Bitchiness=/=good reason to break out insipidly stupid stereotypes. Bad daddy=/=the only psychological factor contributing to homosexuality. Obsolete morals=bad. Truth=good. Misuse of truth=bad. Not reading posts=bad. Me talking this much=bad.


Me=shutting the hell up now. :) Have a wonderful day.



I made the post brief purposefully to avoid stoking the flames on this lil fire, lol.


My definition of sexuality is what gets you hard, lol. What turns you on? That'd be what I call sexuality. It's not just boys or girls or both. It's other things as well, y'know. I've met a LOT of people who have changed their ideas of what turns them on and what turns them off. Developing/losing fetishes, going after a different type of your gender of interest, all the way up to the most dramatic; pursuing a different gender.


ALL of those are plausible and have happened to a lot of people. I've met more than one person who has, mid-life, decided to pursue the other gender, and had a genuine change of interest. I don't know why, I don't know how, but I know it happens.



Well said, Jamie! Personally, I completely agree with you. :2thumbs:



Why does there have to be a blame game? WtF is wrong with being gay? I'm a guy, I'm in love with Doug who's a guy, and he's in love with me. Jeez, there's no one to blame, I'm happy with who I am and how I am and I don't want to change.

Colin B)


As always, Colin, you can be counted on to be a warm, positive breath of fresh air! Very well-said! :worship:


Damn it! I'm coming late to the party!


What thing I really don't understand: why are you guys bent on trying to divide the reasons between nurture and nature! Isn't it obvious that it's both? I mean, just look at what Graeme said :

This shows that genes play a role but there're other factors that affect- nurture!


And what is nurture? I'm feeling like you're defining nurture as lack of father affection. Very sick definition, if you ask me. Perhaps, it affects a role but there got to be other factors too. Or else, the children from single-parent family will be gays and lesbians. So will be Pais Hilton. :D So why are you not thinking about other factors too that composes this 'nurture' factor? I'm thinking of one rght now- mistrust of the female species.


Don't misunderstand me. I really respct and like them! They've proved themselves better than the macho boys in many places and I'm happy for them. But trusting them with one of my secret- nope! Mauritian girls are like... live radio! :D But I have heard about fag hags too so I'm not completely right.


But I got another explanation for homosexuality.


I mean, have you noticed how gays are the ones who have refined taste (for clothes, looks...), better looks (some of us are concerned about looks), artistically endowed (Da Vinci, Michealangelo, GAY AUTHORS! ), intelligent (this thread!)...


Don't you feel like we're kinda selected by the God to carry the flame of homosexuality? Like the Chosen ones? :D Sorry, I don't have proof though. :P


Take care,


Oh my gosh! That rocked SO much, Ieshwar!!! Personally I've always found gays to be cuter, more sophisticated, kinder, and all around more intelligent that the average population as well!


Yes, as Graeme said this isn't always the case, but to me being gay does seem likely to boost ones chances of having these positive attributes.


Well said, dude! :D


You guys rock, and I'm SO happy that you're a part of the next generation of gay people. With gay guys such as yourselves society and science both stand a much better chance of advancing in a positive, affirming manner.


I could add to what these three have said, but there'd be little point!


Well said guys :)



Just my opinion of course ;)

Take care all and have an awesome day!


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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to me being gay does seem likely to boost ones chances of having these positive attributes.


I got a witness!!! :P


I'm SO happy that you're a part of the next generation of gay people


Correction- we are a part of the next generation of gay people


You are great too, Kev (esp your advices on clothes :D ). And you're definitely not old!


Personnaly, I think yes, the situation is improving. And I'm saying for a conservative society like Mauritius. With the upcoming generation, we can expect better thing. :)


Take care,


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I got a witness!!! :P

Correction- we are a part of the next generation of gay people


You are great too, Kev (esp your advices on clothes :D ). And you're definitely not old!


Personnaly, I think yes, the situation is improving. And I'm saying for a conservative society like Mauritius. With the upcoming generation, we can expect better thing. :)


Take care,


The same can be said of the overly conservative Indian Society!!

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