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Homosexual Content


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Okay, here's something that's been on my mind.

I'm not sure if there's any "rule" here or anything, but would you say that all stories posted here should contain some homosexual/homoerotic content?

It's called "gay authors" not "gay stories".

What are your opinons?

Would you bother with a story if it contained only m/f relationships?

Or if, infact, it didn't mention sexuality at all?

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I don't think it would be a complete waste of space, but I do think there would be better places for "straight" stories. I've not posted anything other than my stories that have homosexual content in them and the focus being on the gay characters. I do think, to censor a story just on the lacking of homosexual content would be a negative, but it's not what the site was completely intended for really. To be fair, there are probably sites just welcoming to hetero-erotic plots and such.



I wouldn't mind reading a good heterosexual story from time to time.. lol. Not erotic, but usually I just read a published author for that.




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Hm. It's just that my latest story hasn't got any erotic content at all, and I don't see sexuality becoming a big thing.

I guess I could post it somewhere else.

Thanks for your help.

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Hm. It's just that my latest story hasn't got any erotic content at all, and I don't see sexuality becoming a big thing.

I guess I could post it somewhere else.

Thanks for your help.





Oh! Well you can probably post your story here and see what happens. I'm sure it wouldn't be over-looked or anything. I don't think Eroticism is a must in stories either, I've never been too.. erotic. :)




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Post it here, what is the worst that could happen? We're not gonna chase after you with pitch forks and torches and screams of "BURN THE HERETIC!"... Honest.



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Hm. It's just that my latest story hasn't got any erotic content at all, and I don't see sexuality becoming a big thing.

I guess I could post it somewhere else.

Thanks for your help.


I have a story posted here that has no erotic content, none at all. It's A Christmas Story and is in eFiction: https://www.gayauthors.org/eficiton/viewstory.php?sid=183


Irony, I don't see any reason that non-homoerotic stories can't be posted here if they are written by a member of GA. So, go ahead and post it.


Colin B)

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Post it here, what is the worst that could happen? We're not gonna chase after you with pitch forks and torches and screams of "BURN THE HERETIC!"... Honest.




See when I read this the first go round I honestly thought that said 'BURN THE HETERO!' .


I say post it, Yes the sites main theme is gay, but I'm sure one story every here and there won't ruin the place, or cause the server to instantaneously fail. If its a good story tat draws you in, I'm all for reading it.



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According to what little I know about GA, I don't think there is a problem with posting non-homosexual content stories here. I can list at least two stories off-hand where thre wasn't any homosexual content. One of them even dealt with a highly taboo issue. (Yeah I'm taliking about Nick's latest anthology entry)


My next anthology entry, though has a homosexual protagonist, but doesn't have anything more. He is just that and nothing else. So, my suggestion to you is to post it here and see if you get a good response. We have a diverse readership here at GA!!


The BeaStKid



Just noticed you said that you'll be posting the story. Good going!

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