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Interesting: Australia and Islam


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I won't bother quoting Kevin's post just to agree with it :P


His point about assimilation is one that I have personally observed. It happened with the Greek and Italian migrants in Australia. Initially, they clung together, but their children played and grew up with their neighbour's childrens, and now you can find people of Greek and Italian descent throughout much of Australia. The same is beginning to happen with some of the Asian migrants here.


It's a generational change -- not something that happens quickly.


I have seen similar things with religion. While there are some extremist Muslims (and Christians) in Australia, there has also been a lot of work with opening up dialogue between Muslims, Christians and others. I can remember a recent newspaper series that served to educate other Australians on the Muslims who live here. It wasn't sensationalism -- just reporting the lives of everyday Muslims in the Australian community.


Diversity is not something to be scared of. There are some things that can be taken too far (like banning nativity scenes because other religions may take offense), but overall diversity (in all its forms) increases the richness of the society.

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