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For The Bible Told Me So

Jack Scribe

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From Towleroad, "The folks behind this new documentary about homosexuality and Biblical scripture, seen through the experience of five families, have certainly put together a powerful trailer." It's worth 2.42 minutes of your time.

. I still cringe, years later, when the "orange juice lady" spews her ignorant homophobia via old video.


Here's the official website for the documentary: http://www.forthebibletellsmeso.org/index2.htm.


Jack B)

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I knew someone else read Towleroad and not just me, hehe.


Anyways moving on, about the trailer, it was something. That trailer really grabbed my attention, its very sad how many people use the "bible" as a way to further their bigotry.


The part of the trailer that i really like was: Where the priest, in the end of the trailer, was talking about how individuals used the "bible" for malevolent means, and how that trend continues to today.



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