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Keith Allen vs. WBC


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I found this on YouTube and actually laughed my ass off a few times throughout it. Not because the topic is funny, but because the guy is extremely witty and he does drop a huge bombshell later in the documentary. I would comment on it, but I'm tired and lazy so I'll leave that for others if they choose to do so.



Watch all 5 parts.






WARNING: In part 4 around 6:30ish, there's a mildly... graphic part. It does give you a little warning but if you're not expecting it, it takes you by surprise.

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I watched a show on the History Channel on cults today... and it was funny, because all the cults had little housing complex thingys... JUST LIKE THE WBC!!!


HMM.. I wonder if there's a connection?!?!

LOL, well certainly cults thrive on strong, identicle unity of belief. Unity of belief is of course aided by a lack of differing opinions and a general isolation. Isolation is obviously facilitated by having everyone live together in little housing camps and not interact much with the outside world.


...so yeah maybe be related :P



I don't have any particular affection for the WBC, but I did think the program was a bit overly negative of religions in general.


I personally agreed with most of Mr. Allen's moral beliefs, but differed in regards to his theological beliefs. Which is of course irrelevant except that I thought it presented a too polarized view of things. He also seemed a bit like he was gunning to be the next Michael Moore, which is purely an observation on my part and devoid of any positive or negative value.


Just my thoughts :)

Take care all and have a great day!



P.S. Lily's cool! :great:

Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Yeah, I agree. I probably would have responded more if he used less of an "I'm an Athiest and Don't Care Anyway" and more of a "You're totally screwing up the basis of Christianity" tone.


Of course, if i were Athiest, I might have liked it... hmm. But seeing as I'm not (Lutheran, woo) I couldn't really connect with that.


Still funny as hell though.

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I've always like an "Actually, Jesus said this" approach. How convienant that the WBC overlooks that...


But the Old Testament is, in my opinion, fairly clear on the matter. I'm not going to argue about biblical references, but in my experience there are equally compelling arguments from both sides. Either way, WBC are so delusional, it doesn't really matter what argument you use.

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I've always like an "Actually, Jesus said this" approach. How convienant that the WBC overlooks that...



Then you are debating theology and they own that particular real estate.


Best to flush the whole stinking mess [religion] and embrace spirituality which is a completely different trip.


You can recognize spiritual enlightment because it doesn't hate on anyone nor does it beg for money to lobby politicians to hate on anyone.

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I'm from Wisconsin, as many of you know, and this week just a bit north of where I live a sherrif's deputy shot and killed several people. He was 20, and the victims included his ex-girlfriend, and some friends, including some young high school students.


The reason I bring this up, is that my father is an officer in the State Patrol, and he was just notified that the WBC is coming to the town to protest at the funerals of those killed in the incident.


Now even my father, who's pretty darn conservative, is like, "This is totally sick, these people are freaks." He also told me that he went to the WBC's website (godhatesfags) and was APPALLED.


So yay, they're gonna be in my homestate this weekend... :(


But I did tell my father he should taze Fred Phelps if he gets the chance... :)

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But I did tell my father he should taze Fred Phelps if he gets the chance... :)


I think that old man Phelps has actually been dead for years. He is just so full s*** & vinegar that no one has noticed yet.


So yeah- Taze the old b@stard. Maybe he will come out as a rotting corpse.

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I'm from Wisconsin, as many of you know, and this week just a bit north of where I live a sherrif's deputy shot and killed several people. He was 20, and the victims included his ex-girlfriend, and some friends, including some young high school students.


The reason I bring this up, is that my father is an officer in the State Patrol, and he was just notified that the WBC is coming to the town to protest at the funerals of those killed in the incident.


Now even my father, who's pretty darn conservative, is like, "This is totally sick, these people are freaks." He also told me that he went to the WBC's website (godhatesfags) and was APPALLED.


So yay, they're gonna be in my homestate this weekend... :(


But I did tell my father he should taze Fred Phelps if he gets the chance... :)


I've always looked at it like this;


I think the WBC is one of the best friends the gay rights movement could have. Sound nuts? Maybe, but here's how I see it: they are alienating everyone, and therefor giving their own cause a very bad name. This is a similar dynamic to what KKK rallies have "accomplished" is some communities; they end up being a uniting force, and having the exact opposite of the effect they'd attended.


So, the more the WBC makes an ass of itself, the more I like it. :)

Sorry you have to put up with them in your area though, and I certainly do detest the idea of protesting at any funerals.

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Guest RettaMichaels

What's ironic is back in the 1980's, Fred Phelps preached at my lover's funeral. He didn't say one bad thing during the whole service. Then, when one of his followers discovered I'd written a story, I'm being slammed by the church for loving him! When I emailed them back with a reference to the funeral, they wrote back and stated Phelps never preached it! That denial is strange, as I have the cancelled check, the funeral announcement, and a tape of the service to prove otherwise.


In studying this group, I'm of the mind they are a cult wrapped in a so called religious doctirne.


It's crazy how one's receiving publicity for bad behavior has him doing anything further to get more publicity.

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What's ironic is back in the 1980's, Fred Phelps preached at my lover's funeral. He didn't say one bad thing during the whole service. Then, when one of his followers discovered I'd written a story, I'm being slammed by the church for loving him! When I emailed them back with a reference to the funeral, they wrote back and stated Phelps never preached it! That denial is strange, as I have the cancelled check, the funeral announcement, and a tape of the service to prove otherwise.


In studying this group, I'm of the mind they are a cult wrapped in a so called religious doctirne.


It's crazy how one's receiving publicity for bad behavior has him doing anything further to get more publicity.

WOW!! :blink:

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There's a website which has the book "addicted to hate" on it, which gives a detailed account of the inner workings of the Phelps family... I wouldn't exactly call it enlightening, but its hard for me to look on the Phelps family with anything but pity when I consider just how screwed up their patriarch is... Old man Phelps himself, though... him I can still despise with a vehement passion :devil:

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