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neat freak


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I'm not -- my roommate is. Sometimes it drives me up the wall. I mean, I'm not a slob, but I feel vaguely claustrophobic whenever he organizes the dishes around the sink and suggests that I get some tupperware.


How anal are you? Do you handle anal well?


I'm probably anal about other things. I know I am about operatic sopranos. But at least I don't try color coding their socks...

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Everything has a place and everything should be in its place.


That's what works for me cause I'm so absent-minded I'd never find anything if it weren't where it belongs.


Give it any name you choose. Yes, I do count OCD amongst my numerous mental disorders. :)

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I had a neat freak room mate once.


As far as I know, the body has never been found. :ph34r:

No doubt the skeletal remains are buried somewhere in the trash heap that passes for your humble abode! scream.gif

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I'm a neat freak's worst nightmare. Nothing is ever in it's place. Nothing even has a place. I just put things wherever I feel like putting them. I can't imagine living with someone who is obsesively neat. I think we would drive each other insane.



How anal are you? Do you handle anal well?


Wow, loaded questions! :P

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How anal are you? Do you handle anal well?

If I'm the top, yeah, I handle anal really well! :blink:


I'm a neat freak's worst nightmare. Nothing is ever in it's place. Nothing even has a place. I just put things wherever I feel like putting them. I can't imagine living with someone who is obsesively neat. I think we would drive each other insane.

How do you ever find anything? shrug.gif

Edited by GaryInMiami
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I'm a slob. I'll admit it. BUT my messes are normally organized messes. I know where everything is! As soon as I clean anything, I lose them!


The only things that I am anal about now are computers and audio. I simply cannot use stock audio for cars, home entertainment, or computers. Everything is upgraded! Additionally I'm anal about software on computers. I still use Windows 2000 on my desktop because I refuse to downgrade to XP. I also downright refuse to send my computer to the abyss by installing Vista until Microsoft gets it right and I can find Ultimate for cheap ($190 is NOT cheap by any means). Plus I want to have a guinea pig system for it first. My desktop is more than adequate... but the laptop needs work ($200 worth of upgrades before getting the $190 OS). My best bet would be to wait until I do my video card upgrade on this machine, then donate the current video card to my old custom desktop (still sitting on my bedroom floor with only year-old parts in it) and upgrade the memory, install my old-ass hard drive and the original power supply and bada bing bada bing I'll have my test subject :D It runs on older memory, but the upgrade shouldn't cost too much... particularly if I can get some from my sister's old systems.


If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then just assume I'm being anal.

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How do you ever find anything? shrug.gif


If I recently used something I can usualy remember where it is. If I haven't used it in a few months then I dump things that I am not looking for on the floor. When everything except the thing I was looking for is on the floor I an happy with myself. Eventualy I trip over the pile of things on the floor so I pick it up and shove everything in the closet. My idea of cleaning up/organizing is basicaly confining the mess to a small area (usualy the closset because I can close the door).

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I'm a slob. I'll admit it. BUT my messes are normally organized messes. I know where everything is! As soon as I clean anything, I lose them!



I am a slob, right down to the last letter. But if you ask me where my stuff or a thing is, I'll give it to you right away. My Mom goes bonkers when she enters my room, but my answer is always the same, "Its my mess and I like it!" :lol:


Five years in a hostel has spoiled me... :P

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How anal are you? Do you handle anal well?

I like to think so ;)


I'm a very very absent-minded person when it comes to mundane things. I can keep track of information, conversations, social facts, history, etc. really really well, but when it comes down to every day things I have no head for it.


As such the only real resource I have at my disposal is organization and tidiness. If my keys, wallet, and phone are always in a specific place I don't have to go looking for them and as such I never loose them around the house. When I visit people, if it's somewhere I go often I'll put my stuff in the exact same place so that I don't lose it. The problem is when I'm somewhere new and I don't have a routine. When that happens I have no idea where to look for things I may have brought with me.


Thus, yes, I do keep things very tidy and organized around the house, but it's only as a coping strategy for my extreme ditsy, spaced out personality.



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If my keys, wallet, and phone are always in a specific place I don't have to go looking for them and as such I never loose them around the house.

This is how I got started on being somewhat of a neat freak. I got tired of running all over the house before work trying to find where I'd left my keys and other essentials the night before. So now the first thing I do when I get home is hang my keys on their hook, attach the cellphone to the charger, put my wallet on top of the cellphone, and drop my spare change into this neat little battery-powered sorter my sister gave me. I still don't trust those bulk coin counting machines at the bank and supermarket.

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I am a slob, right down to the last letter. But if you ask me where my stuff or a thing is, I'll give it to you right away. My Mom goes bonkers when she enters my room, but my answer is always the same, "Its my mess and I like it!" :lol:


Five years in a hostel has spoiled me... :P

I'm the same way. I can organize stuff if I have to, but I prefer beautiful disorder. B)

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I have a case of OCD. It's nothing serious, but there are times where I will go nuts and clean every inch of my room. Then I can't find anything.

I'm not that concerned about my stuff. I can't afford to be. Most of it is paper, binders and notebooks. It's a room of a writer who gets ideas in the middle of the night. Like I want to get up, go to my desk, hunt for a notebook, then a pen and then write out my idea. I'd lose it.

It drives my mom nuts. She hates the fact that my room is in, what I call, organized chaos. I can find what I need usually. As long as there aren't any loose papers, trash or clothes, I don't mind it.

Though, it can be very annoying when you're trying to find your remote. *calls for her remote*

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My TV and my cordless phone both have buttons on them I can push to make the remote emit a beeping noise. Both remotes can usually be found under the covers of my bed so I rarely use this feature. But it sounds like you could benefit from it Rose. A lappie by your bedside also does wonders when it comes to cutting down on all that paper. I wake up a lot with various thoughts in my brain. Unless I write them down I forget them by morning. This also works great when it comes to integrating my dreams into my journal.

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I am a neat freak in certian areas.


When it comes to my tools, they are always sparkling clean and in just the right place.


My computer is the same: always defragged, spyware zapped, swept for viruses, trash removed and temporary files deleted. Way back when when I first started with computers, RAM and hard drive space were tiny and at a premium price so I'm picky about wasting drive space. And NO! ADA, 2 C compilers, Perl and 3 C++ compilers isn't wasted drive space!

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My TV and my cordless phone both have buttons on them I can push to make the remote emit a beeping noise. Both remotes can usually be found under the covers of my bed so I rarely use this feature. But it sounds like you could benefit from it Rose. A lappie by your bedside also does wonders when it comes to cutting down on all that paper. I wake up a lot with various thoughts in my brain. Unless I write them down I forget them by morning. This also works great when it comes to integrating my dreams into my journal.


Eh, if I can't have note books at the head and the foot of my bed, I find myself freaking out. I'm very picky and it drives my friends and mother nuts when I don't clean for a week and it looks like a small storm went through my room due to all the paper balls.

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Eh, if I can't have note books at the head and the foot of my bed, I find myself freaking out. I'm very picky and it drives my friends and mother nuts when I don't clean for a week and it looks like a small storm went through my room due to all the paper balls.


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Are you a gearhead or are you referring to computer tools?



When I go shopping for pleasure, there are two things I look at: books are #1 but tools are a close 2nd. [ My friends tease me by calling me a lesbian. :wacko: ]


Yes- I have computer tools but I also have all sorts of other tools. As I do networks, conduits and cable are a big part of networking. For that you need to be able to bend conduit, cut it, drill holes for fastners, attach grounds and cut percise holes in a number of different building materials.


I'm not so much a gear-head per see but I seem to know instinctly or quickly figure out how machines work and can fix darn near anything.

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By gearhead I meant working on cars. What you do is still a lot of fun. I apprenticed as an electrician for three years and spent a lot of time bending conduit, i wonder if things have changed in the decades since I did that. We used to make manual calculations and then use a manually operated tool with marks on it that matched the calculations we did to figure out where to put the conduit and how much to bend it to get the desired end result. Do you enjoy your work?

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My studio apartment is a mess, I won't even lie. I have a habit of throwing whats on my bed on the floor when I'm ready to go to sleep and it kind of sits there for awhile. The only thing I'm really anal about is my writing. I always have at least two copies of everything I write (either two files or a handwritten copy and a file) because I've lost things before and yeah, that sucks. Badly.

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I have a habit of throwing whats on my bed on the floor when I'm ready to go to sleep and it kind of sits there for awhile.

Does he eventually get up and leave?


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I am a neat freak in certian areas.


When it comes to my tools, they are always sparkling clean and in just the right place.


My computer is the same: always defragged, spyware zapped, swept for viruses, trash removed and temporary files deleted. Way back when when I first started with computers, RAM and hard drive space were tiny and at a premium price so I'm picky about wasting drive space. And NO! ADA, 2 C compilers, Perl and 3 C++ compilers isn't wasted drive space!


That reminds me... I need to go through my toolbox and sort my sockets. Right now they're kept in the plastic bags that they came in, but those bags aren't resealable. Many of them are kind of all over the place, but luckily my car uses many of the same sized nuts and bolts, so the main ones are just tossed into the toolbox's tray.

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