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ou est madame bovary?


Gosh, do you like that book? In fact, the whole idea of the book, the portrayal of the society and the character (I liked her) is really good. But I don't get the style. He goes in so much useless descriptions. Did you notice that the second page of the story contain only the description of a fricking hat (which has no importance whatsover)? And boring Charles didn't make the things better. But these are just my opinions. :D


my list:


1. The Wheel of Time Series by R. Jordan

2. Harry Potter by JK rowling

3. The sword of Truth Series by T. Goodkind (esp the first books)

4. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

5. Remembrance by Jude Devereaux

6. Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan


Take care,


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