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International Day Against Homophobia

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Seventh annual International Day Against Homophobia today. Nice that the initiative began right here in Quebec.


The International Day Against Homophobia, initiated by a Quebec organization, will be celebrated in more than 50 countries Sunday, decrying discrimination against gays and lesbians."There are 192 countries at the UN, and half of them still ban homosexuality, notably most countries in Africa, in Asia and Arab countries," said Laurent McCutcheon, president of Quebec's Emergence Foundation, an activist group behind the annual fete.


Five countries punish homosexual acts with death, said its website.


In 2003, Emergence launched a national day against homophobia in Canada, which caught on internationally in the past three years.


May 17 was chosen because it was on this date in 1990 that the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses. The acronym IDAHO is often used to delineate this day.




Although, I have to say... IDAHO? Unfortunate acronym, that. (Apologies to those of you who might live in the state of Idaho).

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Seventh annual International Day Against Homophobia today. Nice that the initiative began right here in Quebec.






Although, I have to say... IDAHO? Unfortunate acronym, that. (Apologies to those of you who might live in the state of Idaho).


I cross-posted elsewhere. In the UK a group is trying to start something called A Day In Hand. They used today, to mark the above, as their launch.

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The only problem i have with ... like against homophobia days ... or the gay parade n stuff... PERSONALLY!! i think that decreases our idenity... if u take a closer look, how ppl dress on the parade gay pride or what ever... im not saying everyone... for me at least im not like that..


some people might see it as.. oh.. all they like to do is .. walking around in speedings and show how gay they are... i guess that was a bad example..


but if u go on youtube and type up gay pride parade or something like that u might understand what i mean...


i have nothing against homophobia day!! it's great to stop homophobia and the bashing and the violence.=)

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The only problem i have with ... like against homophobia days ... or the gay parade n stuff... PERSONALLY!! i think that decreases our idenity... if u take a closer look, how ppl dress on the parade gay pride or what ever... im not saying everyone... for me at least im not like that..


some people might see it as.. oh.. all they like to do is .. walking around in speedings and show how gay they are... i guess that was a bad example..


but if u go on youtube and type up gay pride parade or something like that u might understand what i mean...


i have nothing against homophobia day!! it's great to stop homophobia and the bashing and the violence.=)


have a look at the a day in hand website. it is slightly different and more subtle. I also think it can't get attacked from both sides. i.e those that don't like the in your face parades/stunts and those that think we shouldn't be about all fitting in and not causing a stir.



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I have an idea... let's get some trucks and lots of really big mean looking guys and go grab random Mormons, hardline Catholics and Fundamentalists and show them what its like.


We can beat the crap out of some, sexually assault a few with broom handles and maybe drag a few to death. We could even beat one within an inch of his life and leave him tied to a tree in a remote area in freezing conditions.


Turn about is fair play after all. They need to understand the horrible deaths that some of our people have faced because of their ignorant bigotry.


I'm kidding of course but I think you get my point. The Hendersons and Kenneys (the murderers of Matt Shephard) were just criminals who had absorbed the message that gay people are subhuman/weak/vulnerable/easy prey and nobody really gives a shit about them.


It is the source of these messages that I want to bring the point home too: the Pope, the leadership of the Mormon Church and people like Pat Robertson and Joe the f-ing plummer who claim that they[gays] want your children. These are the people I would like to explain it too personally.

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It is the source of these messages that I want to bring the point home too: the Pope, the leadership of the Mormon Church and people like Pat Robertson and Joe the f-ing plummer who claim that they[gays] want your children. These are the people I would like to explain it too personally.


And that would be the biggest waste of time and effort. These guys are never going to change their minds - assuming they have minds. They're too invested in their positions.


No, the hearts-and-minds war is, as always, for the people in the middle. Those who don't know and, most importantly, don't care. The people who will believe whatever the prevailing wind tells them to believe, whatever's popular at the time.


You could argue with Pat Robertson till you were blue in the face and change nothing. Or you could appeal to the middle and achieve everything. The extremists will be shamed into silence once the people no longer lap up their message.

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You could argue with Pat Robertson till you were blue in the face and change nothing. Or you could appeal to the middle and achieve everything. The extremists will be shamed into silence once the people no longer lap up their message.



Yes, of course you are right. But he would make a satisfying thump when he hit the floor as my "argument" struck home. :chris:

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I cross-posted elsewhere. In the UK a group is trying to start something called A Day In Hand. They used today, to mark the above, as their launch.

Yeah, I've heard about that too. Actually I came across this photo from their website:




Here is the accompanying text:


We did a photoshoot in Trafalgar Square. London looks so grey in photos but our feelings at the time were anything but. We took this photo about 1 month ago but I've only just noticed the other hand-holding couple framed perfectly under Jamie & Luis' hands. Magic. For one couple in this shot, holding hands is consuming their every thought, hopes and fears. For the other couple, it's so natural it almost goes unnoticed.


Nelson's Colomn, Trafalgar Square, London, 9th March 2009


[Photo] by Mark Weeks


Yes, magic indeed.

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Yeah, I've heard about that too. Actually I came across this photo from their website:




Here is the accompanying text:




Yes, magic indeed.


So, are you going to take part? :)



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Not just yet. Perhaps in a few years, once I'm out.


What about you?


yeah wait until you are ready and in a position to.


:) I think that it is important so I probably will. I'm not 'out' as such but some of my friends at home are so I'll likely do it with them (plus I'm single), that and everyone I'm around is gay-friendly and generally feels the way I do, nor am I worried if people assume that I am gay, so it wouldn't compromise me as it may you.



Edited by Smarties
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