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Windows 7 RTM


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I loaded Win 7 RTM on a VMWARE workstation.


Everything loaded fine.


Added SQL Developer, Beta dotNet4, beta VS2010

crawling but fine


After SDelete the c drive

I checked the dos prompt a while after it completed

then it rebooted for some reason


As it booted up it was a black screen

then a windows startup fixer tried to fix things


hahaa - it never fixed any thing

it didn't boot up


Good thing I made before hand copy before going the extra steps

now its try try again

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I hear it is. Just have to give it that chance. I think they are still hotfixing stuff and trying to update it constantly. But like Vista I think it'll transition nicely. I run Vista on my laptop and I have no issues. My PC runs XP but I've considered doing Windows 7. But since I am going back to school, I'd be a waste. However just in money.

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Eh, I'm running Ubuntu on my desktop and Vista on my laptop. I use my laptop all the time since almost nothing is compatible with Linux, and WINE isn't doing what it's supposed to do. I'll be putting the final release of 7 on the other partition on my desktop, possibly after the first few rounds of updates (or service pack).

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installed the RC just fine on my macbook pro... other than minimal battery life and a "right click" issue 7 works just fine. I even prefer it to osX but I'm used to windows.


I just use osx on my mac pro. but our older xp machine might need to get windows 7, it's going to be windows best version..


if you got a mouse can adjust the settings :P to get a right and left click feature

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if you got a mouse can adjust the settings :P to get a right and left click feature


not really... win7 doesnt recognize the multi-touch track pad as well as vista did. Im sure they will address it when the final is released.

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Personally... I've been using WIndows 7 on my Desktop since it was just a Beta. I love it, it uses less system resources and is everything <gag>Vista</gag> should've been.


I'd love to switch to Ubuntu 100% instead of using a dual boot like I do, but till I get better at WINE and such (and can run World of Warcraft without a hitch) I'll be dual booting.



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installed the RC just fine on my macbook pro... other than minimal battery life and a "right click" issue 7 works just fine. I even prefer it to osX but I'm used to windows.


if osx wasn't so hooked to propritarty hardware - it would have given windows the run for their money.

also it would have given people a chance to try another polish os

but maybe jobs is keep to a secret agreement to MS like stay off our turrfff

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Eh... if Apple opened OS X up to more than just their hardware, their memorable claims of "It just works..." will fly out the window. As it is they seek and destroy any company that produces "mac clones" Pystar is the recent co in their cross hairs they filed bankruptcy to fend off the last lawsuit. We'll see what they do to stave off the next. after all the OS X software agreement and T O S state that using the software on anything other than apple hardware is a violation of the agreement.


Funny how all the Apple Fanboys scream about Apple's greatness... after all its only the product of overzealous control. Makes you wonder if Apple sold OS X for all computers (which they can do with their conversion to intel chipsets) if they would still be the golden boy, or just a vilified as Microsoft is.


After all everyone likes to hate Microsoft, but no one can come up with anything that even touches MS in the long run.

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Apple would be held underwater and drowned if they opened up OS X to a platform-independent public. The driver support for mainboards and devices would be horrendous. Their reputation would drop like a rock.

And it would become a target for every piece of gray/spyware that was previously targeted for Windows boxes.


Their pricing structure would have to be completely revamped, without control of the hardware they lose a significant revenue stream.


At which point software would be competitive to develop, all the crap developers currently writing mediocre software for Windows would start developing their bleh for the Mac. Which would be bad.


Apple isn't a golden boy by any stretch. They're sharks about competition, have terrible service, and want to control every aspect of their market. Not just their place in the market, their market.


And I'm downloading Windows 7 now, we'll see how it all turns out...

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I've been running Windows 7 RC1 on my laptop since it was released. I love it. I will be upgrading to Win 7 RTM when it is released.

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I've been running Windows 7 RC1 on my laptop since it was released. I love it. I will be upgrading to Win 7 RTM when it is released.


Depending on finances, same here.

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Seems fine so far - I'm running RC1 64bit on vmware workstation, gave it a gig of ram and it seems quite snappy. I've got some basic apps running and no errors or issues anywhere. It's working fine with my touchpad (dell latitude laptop), put thunderbird ff and avast on.


Tomorrow I try to break it. :)

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how would trying the RTM be a different story? Release to Manufacture should not be as available as the RC is (the RC is still offered for download... this will cease on 08/20/2009) if you have a RTM copy hh5 I would be highly suspect of its origins. this may also be causing your issues with windows 7

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The RTM version has been released if you belong to technet or any of the Microsoft programming partners, etc, system builders, etc

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What Myr said. I think I can actually get access to it through the school, once school starts. But I'm not 100% sure, and until they process the accounts (again... every semester the same game... ./sigh) I can't check.

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well - I retried the RTM incident and saved before it happen and it didn't happen again

which I'm happy about.


So face its smaller in hd taken in size thats nice

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  • 3 weeks later...

I decided to try it on my spare laptop


So far - the SD slot isn't registering my SD card - that not good

Blame the manufactor ... not a good thing ... having a reliable product

nope never heard of that ... thats called hw upgrade

I tryed the old driver and it didn't do anything


I suspect that things like finger scanner maybe another issue on my main laptop

but i won't risk that??


Programs like acronis, perfectdisk needs upgrading


Mcaffee works but of course in time it needs upgrading

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Because Windows 7 is, of course, not completely and totally finished (as I'm led to believe) it still has a few minor errors. I myself have downloaded and run RC1 through a VM and I have to say it is bliss compared to Vista. It's smooth, everything works like a charm... it reminds me so much of XP it's not funny. And here's the kicker - a lot of the programs that fail dismally on Vista work without a hitch on W7!


This is what Vista should have been, but wasn't - don't take that the wrong way, it's not supposed to be a fix for Vista, but you can see the similarities.


It's like they took the delicious eye candy that came with Vista and took away the horrible cough lolly of the actual OS. I'm considering an installation on my 64-bit lappy running Vista right now, because... yeah, it's just so much better. I have hard some hardware/software issues, but that's to be expected - it's only a release candidate, not the finished product! A lot of the more... uhh, let's say... 'high profile' (for want of a better word) companies have almost certainly started developing drivers and upgrades for their hardware/software respectively. It's all a matter of time!


So yes, it is worth it for me, but in reality it depends on your system. If you require certain hardware/software which isn't working with 7, it might be a better idea to wait until after they release the final version and companies have started upgrading their hard and software.


Sheesh, you never get this problem with Apple. I really need to get me a MacBook :lol: I've heard through friends that the latest model works fine with dualbooting, so if that's an option, then sure!


...Wow, now I feel like such a nerd B)


:wub: Chris

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