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I hate the news


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I'm surprised we've gotten this far without anyone mentioning the one news program still worth watching - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. It's sad, but a comedy program is currently the most reliable source of information - From 2004 to 2007 (the latest study I could find quickly), The Daily Show viewers were always the best informed about current events (and, surprise, viewers of Fox News were the least). Particularly when the guest is a conservative (but one who can hold his/her own like Mike Huckabee or Bill Kristol, not one that falls to pieces like Betsy McCaughey), it tends to be a rarely seen forum where the two sides don't degenerate to ad hominem attacks, but instead actually exchange ideas and explore the fundamental differences of opinion that lead to the disagreement.

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The Daily Show is comedy about the news, not hard news and it is slanted further to the left than Fox is to the Right.


Cokeheads Jon Stewart and his little dog Colbert are not journalists, they are comedians which is French for professional smart ass.


Watch them for a few laughs, watch everybody else for information.


Watching them for news is like looking at grant funded art: some coke head idiot said, "Ow wow, that's profound/funny." Someone said, mustn't be judgmental, let's give him a grant. People that aren't high look at it and think Wow. What a piece of crap. Who paid for that?

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The Daily Show is comedy about the news, not hard news and it is slanted further to the left than Fox is to the Right.


Cokeheads Jon Stewart and his little dog Colbert are not journalists, they are comedians which is French for professional smart ass.


Watch them for a few laughs, watch everybody else for information.


Watching them for news is like looking at grant funded art: some coke head idiot said, "Ow wow, that's profound/funny." Someone said, mustn't be judgmental, let's give him a grant. People that aren't high look at it and think Wow. What a piece of crap. Who paid for that?


Going to have to disagree with ya on the part that they are not journalists. Yeah they are, comedic journalists, they look at politics, dissect and report on it to us. Sure some of it is just going around in circles, but you can find out some interesting stuff. Especially when they interview someone, and it is even better when they have a politician on set that actually has a sense of humor and is funny. That is rare however.


Certain people live and breath by the Daily Show and Colbert Report. Remember with that loud stock analyst got annoyed at a joke John Stewart made? Stewart replied and silenced that idiot stock guy in one episode. Its brilliant really and sometimes, its better to take the news on a more relaxed setting. Rather than pant-suit middle aged women and silver foxes in suits.

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