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i experience or hear about the following two situations a lot in the gay community. (i'm not saying it's specific to the gay community, but i don't have enough experience in the straight community to comment.)


Situation One


A: Hi, I'm gay.


B: Hello, me too!


A: I don't like hook ups.


B: Neither do I!


A: Let's go on a date.


B: Okay!


(A & B go on date.)


A: This has been nice.


B: I wish it wouldn't end. Let's go talk somewhere.


A: Should we just sit in my car for a while?


B: Sure.


(A & B hook up in A's car and never speak again.)



Situation Two:


A: Hi, I'm gay.


B: Hello, me too!


A: I don't like hook ups.


B: Oh, I don't mind them.


A: Oh. See you around.


B: It's been nice meeting you.


(A & B go their separate ways.)




When I'm on OkCupid, for example, I know for a fact that if someone's profile says, "I don't do hook-ups," and I say that I don't either, then I can go on a date with him and usually get to third base.


But if I let someone with that same line know that I'm okay with hook-ups, then nothing will happen.


pretty interesting...


your comments and experiences?

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Dare I say it? If you knew me, you wouldn't ask. Of course I dare.


People LIE.


Everybody likes hook-ups. Quick, stress relieving sex with no strings is wonderful. It's like fast food. You can get it most anywhere and none of it is really good for you.


Don't like hook-ups? LIAR, LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!


Everybody likes hook-ups. They just don't like the hook-ups that they get. :lol:

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Dare I say it? If you knew me, you wouldn't ask. Of course I dare.


People LIE.


Everybody likes hook-ups. Quick, stress relieving sex with no strings is wonderful. It's like fast food. You can get it most anywhere and none of it is really good for you.


Don't like hook-ups? LIAR, LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!


Everybody likes hook-ups. They just don't like the hook-ups that they get. laugh.gif



Quoted for truth!

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I think it's pretty funny. When I first posted a commentary on hook-ups in My blog lots of people wandered in but few were willing to comment. That changed after a while. It's funny how everyone wants to present themselves as this unspoiled virgin, when sex with someone who was is usually a disappointment.

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i experience or hear about the following two situations a lot in the gay community. (i'm not saying it's specific to the gay community, but i don't have enough experience in the straight community to comment.)



Wow is there a gay community in Ohio??


I though a gay community an Urban Myth??


Those two scenario seems plausible in the straight community.


Both seem to sound like one or zero time hookups.

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That is pretty funny, like James said though, most everyone likes a good hook up. I have no first hand experiance in the matter but I've heard the story enough times from my friends. Most of them always say "Dude I don't know how it happened, one sec were talking and next second our hands are down eachothers pants."


Its a pretty common occurance, gay or straight lol.....though I prefer to stay way from the straight versions....the few straight guys or chicks I know tend to be WAY too detailed.

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I have no first hand experiance in the matter but I've heard the story enough times from my friends.


Right. baaasmiley.gif


I think that's the point. Not to pick on you specifically, but these things happen all the time, yet no one seems to have any personal experience. It defies logic at every level.blink.gif

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When I'm on OkCupid, for example, I know for a fact that if someone's profile says, "I don't do hook-ups," and I say that I don't either, then I can go on a date with him and usually get to third base.



third Fourth.


Right. baaasmiley.gif


I think that's the point. Not to pick on you specifically, but these things happen all the time, yet no one seems to have any personal experience. It defies logic at every level.blink.gif


It doesnt have to defy logic, it could be that just a few of us are doing it and the average person isnt because they cant/wont. I have personal experience! More than once twice four times. Maybe I'm bucking the average.

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Perhaps you need to play a little hard to get and before it gets too hot on the first date, make a second date to get together. then if something happens, which is usually, but not mandatory, you will still see them again.


Don't play hard to get, but only be willing to experiment with someone that you have some feelings for and want a return engagement if possible.




I'm confused. To play or not to play hard to get?

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Right. baaasmiley.gif


I think that's the point. Not to pick on you specifically, but these things happen all the time, yet no one seems to have any personal experience. It defies logic at every level.blink.gif



Trust me dude I can say that and be completly honest. Ihave had 3 serious relationships since I came out, that never lead to the bed room, there is also no place the four surronding counties where a gay guy can go to sociallize without worring about getting his butt handed to him by a group of rednecks lol.

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With no explicit content included ( I will spare you since you are so sensitive Owl ) biggrin.gif but oh yeah...this happens a lot in the straight world. The girls act like they don't do it and the guys act like they will still respect them or call them. The phrase is simply, One Night Stand. Those who talk about it the most, even to deny it, are probably going to be the ones to do it. OH and to stand up and be counted, I have had one night stands with guys and girls. Not proud of it but no ashamed either, what happened happened! Long live life experiences, good and bad!

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Trust me dude I can say that and be completly honest. Ihave had 3 serious relationships since I came out, that never lead to the bed room, there is also no place the four surronding counties where a gay guy can go to sociallize without worring about getting his butt handed to him by a group of rednecks lol.



With no explicit content included ( I will spare you since you are so sensitive Owl ) biggrin.gif but oh yeah...this happens a lot in the straight world. The girls act like they don't do it and the guys act like they will still respect them or call them. The phrase is simply, One Night Stand. Those who talk about it the most, even to deny it, are probably going to be the ones to do it. OH and to stand up and be counted, I have had one night stands with guys and girls. Not proud of it but no ashamed either, what happened happened! Long live life experiences, good and bad!


I've had them, lots of them. Some were fun, some weren't. None were tragic. A few were very fulfilling. And a couple were even in Indiana.tongue.gif


One thing is certain: They're entirely different than a relationship. Not better, not worse, just different.

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