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This is just a call to any writers of male/male erotic romance (or similar) out there. We're getting the new edition of Forbidden Fruit ready to go live in early September, and although we have a great range of stories and non-fiction, we still have a gap for one more story. It would need to be around 2,000 to 10,000 words long, in pretty much any genre with the exception of bdsm.


If you need any further info please check out our submission guidelines at http://www.forbiddenfruitzine.com/subs.htm or drop us a line at fiona.glassATblueyonder.co.uk or iasomieautumnwindATyahoo.com.


Thanks and we look forward to reading your stories! (PS if we get more than one and we like them, we'll let you decide if you want to hold them over for our next issue in January.)

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