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help with story


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Rewrites can always be done, being happy with what you bring to readers is most important... so to answer your question: Yes, you can always redo your story. Doing that will be a whole new experience though, with a lot challenges.


Good luck. :)

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Absolutely! Although, it can be painful. The hardest part is throwing out stuff. (Be sure to save the original as a computer file, though.) One of my creative writing teachers suggested "pruning" 30% of the words when doing a rewrite. He was a strong advocate of the notion that each word, each beat, each lilne of dialogue, etc. must "carry its own weight." Have fun!

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Absolutely it's okay to do a re-write. I'm in the same boat as you are with one of my more popular stories. I feel the need to rewrite the story completely. I'm just to lazy to get to work right now, and having 10x more fun with another story that i'm writing.


I knew you had a good reason.tongue.gif

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