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The GA ?


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Oh you're a weight lifter? :wub::lmao: That runs in my family... they are sooo friendly! :wub:



I thought I'll find here the list of members of Camilo's GA cheerleader squad...




Weight lifters are so friendly? Yeah right.blink.gif That's not why you like them.tongue.gif

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Mark, I didn't think it goes two-way that mind reading thing! :o


But to tell the truth, there are many other sportsmen that are very friendly. B) And they don't take weird pills like some weight lifters do. :unsure: :wacko:




Face it Paya, you'd find most cute guys that play sports to be "friendly." tongue.gif Slut.innocent.gif

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Mark, I didn't think it goes two-way that mind reading thing! ohmy.gif


But to tell the truth, there are many other sportsmen that are very friendly. cool.gif And they don't take weird pills like some weight lifters do. unsure.gifwacko.gif




Yea I'm a lifter, i just back into it after a long while. But I'm all natural, only thing I take is 52gram protien powder...and i've VERY friendly lol


I like it. As one of the cheerleaders of the GA. I think we should start saying it. king.gif





Someone hand me my pom-poms...QUICKLY! *waits impatiently*




*tosses Prince his pom-poms*

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It will be interesting to see if it catches on. My guess: No.

I would say "no". The current name is too well established. "The GA" sounds a little pretentious...sort of like "The Ohio State University". Sorry, Buckeyes fans.

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