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Caprica- BSG sequel


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Well, I got to say this series is quite impressive and intriguing as a sci-fi show.


I loved BSG and Caprica is no exception. It has the feeling of nostalgia, modernism, and religious overtones that combine to create a story of humanity.


The Adama character is interesting; he reminds me of early Italian/Irish American with connections to the mafia, while also believing in justice and law. His character has so much potential to give onto the sci-fi premise that was only hinted at by his background.


The Greystone's are dynamic characters to say the least. I think there's both a universal ideal and humanistic quality to their portrayal.


As for the Cylons, I won't reveal anything more unless you watch the show. Suffice to say, I love the direction they are going in.


By the way, the Cylon in this series is a bisexual and there are tons of gay references including mentions of gay marriage and polygamous gay marriage (Think of the possibilities for that) :P


Caprica is perhaps the height of Sci-fi that has been created so far with its rich back story and intriguing characters. If NBC had the intelligence, they should make it a prime time series with a large budget and audience.

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The big networks couldn't make Caprica. They are too busy with reality bullshit and Lost-a-likes.


Besides- their union writers get tired if they are asked to produce anything more than a twenty minute shit-com.

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Well I watched Caprica and I have to say it's a change from what I'm used to (both BSG: TOS and BSG: Re-visioned). This time instead of dealing with more military and distopian references like in the previous ones, you're dealing with more political and socio references this time. Like W.L. referenced, there were a lot of alternative views on things relating to homosexuality, but also to religious strife as well (polytheism being the accepted religion compared to the monotheism religion).


It's different and I have to say that I can't wait to see how it turns out.


Eric :)

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Yea from what I read it takes place 70 years before the first Cylon war


Around 58 years, but it's still cool to see their society. I could imagine it happening. Online Avatars and personality, it's basically what we have right here. Robots are in existence. Virtual reality with full organic motion is getting closer to reality.


The online free sex rooms, makes me think of Nifty at first or the old Alt sex site.

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One thing I find ironic/funny/slightly disturbing about Caprica: it is the monotheists that are the terrorists.


The monotheists are labeled terrorists. We know that Ben was the one that blew up the train, he was a terrorist, but Zoe, I don't think she had any intention of hurting anyone. There's more going on there than we think.


But just about the show, in general: yeah, it's pretty sweet.

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Here's another little note and first in science fiction:


A gay gangster/assassin as the main character.


Even on a website full of gay writers, I haven't read such a character before in science fiction with the edge and interesting subtlety in Caprica.


If you missed the latest episode, I really advise it. Sam Adama might not be a role model, but it is about time that people get to see fictional gay characters with a bit of edge.

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I'm waiting for the hot, sweaty Sam and Larry Adama frak-scene. There was a lot of usage of the word "frak" in the last episode, did anybody else notice that?


I want to say something intelligent about Sam that sums up all of my thoughts about him, but I can't because he is such an interesting character.

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I want to say something intelligent about Sam that sums up all of my thoughts about him, but I can't because he is such an interesting character.

AfterElton had a great interview with the actor who plays Sam.


He seems like quite a decent guy, and isn't fraking around with playing an assassin who happens to be gay. :2thumbs:

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