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Love Pokemon and I am a little fluent in pikachu:


pikachu-chu pi Chu piii Pi pika Pipi pika Kaa Pi-pi-pika-pika Pi-kaaa-chu piikaa Pi pi-kaaa-chu Kaaa. pikaa kaa! Piii chu PIIKAA chuu chu chuuu piii. pii'pi kaaa pipi KAAA-PIIKAA!!


(I love Pokemon)

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"Teach pokemon, to understand, the power thats insideeeeee"


I was a fan of pokemon back when there were still only 151 species, not 2983498279482342. I followed it for a bit more after the first revision, but couldnt handle it come the third lol. Never played the games, collected the cards though.


Ohh the pinnacle of my childhood :P

Edited by Skyline
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