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Dennis Hopper Dead

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Dennis Hopper died of prostate cancer. I have taken the opportunity in several GA forums to comment on the disease. It is imperative that every man aged 50 or over have an annual PSA test, a simple blood test. Men in high risk categories should start having PSA tests at age 40. Please take a few minutes to review Prostate Cancer Risk Factors published by the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

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Dennis Hopper died of prostate cancer. I have taken the opportunity in several GA forums to comment on the disease. It is imperative that every man aged 50 or over have an annual PSA test, a simple blood test. Men in high risk categories should start having PSA tests at age 40. Please take a few minutes to review Prostate Cancer Risk Factors published by the Prostate Cancer Foundation.


How true Mike! Prostate Cancer is a real threat to 'all' men' and should be checked out by everyone. That said, Dennis Hopper was his own worst enemy! Gaining prominence early for a couple films, he languished in drugs and alcohol for much of the remainder of his life. Pretty much destroyed his career.

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