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Its single threaded ... if you have a couple or several of majors apps it may crawl


future revisions would be better and the price may come down a bit 18 mns after

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It's like my iPhone only bigger and the only thing I could use a bigger iPhone for is possibly as an e-reader.


On the other hand the Notion Ink Adam looks interesting. I'm just hoping it's not too pricy

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I have a few lying around the office.... they're a really cool piece of kit. While they were fun and exciting... I don't think i'm gonna find a viable business use for them. Though I can understand why you might want one for personal reasons.

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It's like my iPhone only bigger and the only thing I could use a bigger iPhone for is possibly as an e-reader.


On the other hand the Notion Ink Adam looks interesting. I'm just hoping it's not too pricy

Don't forget gaming. It was quite capable at the demo car game. tongue.gif


Adam does look interesting, but it will inherently lack all the Apps of the iPad. And there's some good ones out there.


The thing that surprised me the most about the iPad was it's weight. It's not light.

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It all depends on what you want from the device. IMO I think the iPad's a waste of money, especially since I could buy a netbook for less or a CULV laptop. I already have an iPod Touch and a laptop so theres no room for it in my life except as a premium accessory. It lacks functionality, relying on a computer and iTunes for syncing, compared to a netbook/CULV which has way more options. I couldn't use an iPad to write my paper on Office because you have to use the apps, which can get pretty expensive for what your given. You are severely limited on your web experience because there is NO ADOBE FLASH . thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif. Also theres no multitasking so your still stuck using one app at a time.


But to be fair, it is a good platform for ebooks and theres a lot you can do to take advantage of its big screen. It has it's audience, so if your serious about getting it, you should wait until at least the 2G model comes out.



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I was at the apple store today and was playing around with it... and I was impressed with it, though i'm going to stick around for the rumored Android/ChomeOS tablet that's due out this fall :D

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I have an iPad. I use it for notes in class (with keyboard attachment), internet and vids on the go, IM's, and of course reading some of my favorite GA authors. I think it's great, but I might be a little biased seeing as I'm an apple freak ;D


The only thing I don't like is the lack of flash. Other than that, it's pretty awesome.

Edited by Mizuki
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It all depends on what you want from the device. IMO I think the iPad's a waste of money, especially since I could buy a netbook for less or a CULV laptop. I already have an iPod Touch and a laptop so theres no room for it in my life except as a premium accessory. It lacks functionality, relying on a computer and iTunes for syncing, compared to a netbook/CULV which has way more options. I couldn't use an iPad to write my paper on Office because you have to use the apps, which can get pretty expensive for what your given. You are severely limited on your web experience because there is NO ADOBE FLASH . thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif. Also theres no multitasking so your still stuck using one app at a time.



^ This. With an enthusiast grade desktop, laptop for school, and an ipod touch, I really have zero use for the ipad. Is it cool? Absolutely, I love my touch. Is it worth my money? Absolutely not. Also the fact it lacks alot of basic things like usb ports is a huge turn off for me. At 600$ I expect a bit more then an oversized ipod touch. Just my thoughts though :P

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