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NCAA Football Scandal


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I know not everyone on GA cares or even looks at American College Football. Yet, it is an interesting area to look at for scandal and sports.


The most recent big name scandal in Miami is so insane, it makes the movie "Caligula" look like an episode of "Leave it to Beaver". Let's see, money laundering, sex parties, abortion for pregnant player's girl, and other "fringe benefits".








Come on, I can understand scholarships, luxury sports dorms, and maybe gifts for championships. Yet, these "extras" boggle the mind.


If these allegations are proven, then the University might be kicked out of NCAA.

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The NCAA has no choice other than to bury the University of Miami.


As hard as they have come down on small schools for minor violations, unless they really smack Miami, they look like they are playing favorites with with big money programs.


They already look bad for letting Auburn outbid Mississippi State for the services of Cam Newton last year.


They can't reward systemic and long term corruption with a slap on the wrist.

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This is the whole god damn problem with college sports. They allow the self-centered, dumb-as-shit high level athletes do whatever they want with no consequences. If they can count on the school to cover and defend their own sorry asses, why even bother to behave. This kind of crap is the direct effect of having no academic or behavioral standards for the athletes coming into high profile college sports. The NCAA, as far as their so call "standards" go is an absolute freakin' joke.

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If these allegations are proven, then the University might be kicked out of NCAA.


They will never kick any of these teams out of the NCAA. There is way too much money to be made by everyone to kick out your top earning teams.


It would be like the NFL telling the New England Patriots to take a hike or the MLB telling the Yankees to find another league. Its just financially irresponsible, no matter how ethically right it is.

Edited by TetRefine
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The NCAA has very high standards; they just don't enforce them.


I agree with Matt. There's no way they'll drum Miami out. Instead, they'll fine them and penalize them. I'm watching to see if they nail them harder than USC.

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Either they come down hard on Miami or there might not be an NCAA any longer.


They have taken drastic and draconian actions against smaller schools for much less severe violations. The hypocrisy has got to be driving a lot of athletic directors crazy.


The NCAA has given the so called "death penalty" to five schools since 1952.


In division IAA it was University of Kentucky basketball program from 52-53 and Southern Methodist University football program from 1987-88.

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The NCAA has very high standards; they just don't enforce them.


I agree with Matt. There's no way they'll drum Miami out. Instead, they'll fine them and penalize them. I'm watching to see if they nail them harder than USC.


Yeah, i am watching it as well; I wonder how this will play out, but the NCAA does need to be tougher. At the very least one season suspicion should be on the table for Univ. of Miami.


I know what you mean Matt and it is likely going to be the case, but I think ethics should come into on this scandal as the allegation are so egregious; heck, they cross the line of legality, not just NCAA rules, several times. Money be damned, if the money is a cloak of impenetrability, then why have rules and laws in the first place, just let people with wealth run wild.

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You also have to take in account that, if they give Miami's football program the death sentence, it would severely hurt all other sports programs. I once talked to a guy that played for Michigan, and later became a high-level athletic official with the school. He told me that football and basketball fund 95% of other sports programs for the school. All other sports put schools in the red as far as budget goes. Sorry, but people don't take pride in their soccer, cross-country, or swimming teams, nor do they turn out in the tens of thousands to watch them, or have multi-million dollar booster clubs. If they were to "kill off" Miami's football program, it would severely impact all other sports, and athletes that do know how to behave and do realize that theres more to attending college then just showing up for practices and games.


That being said, I strongly hope (even though I know it won't happen) that the NCAA buries Miami into the ground because of this. This kind of playing favorites not only spits in the faces of those smaller schools and athletes of "lesser" sports, but also those who don't play sports and actually deserve to be in college in the first place for their brains.

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I believe this cannot be overlooked w/out serious damning response from the NCAA. I would like to see Miami banned from the NCAA for 5-10 years. U of Tennessee, Florida State, and USC are repeat offenders and they all got slaps on the wrist. The NCAA cannot keep functioning like this, because you get results like Miami, Auburn, Alabama, Ohio State... continuing to break the rules...

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