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Pre-owned games for next gen consoles


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So I've been reading a couple of articles about the next generation of consoles from Microsoft and Sony. There are a lot of rumours going round, especially about how the new machines won't play pre-owned games any more.




I understand the argument of developers make no money out of pre-owned games, even though the product being sold is something they made. But to me personally, it seems that games are priced too high and with each new generation of console, the price jumps another £10-£20 automatically!


What do you guys/girls think?

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I can remember way way way way back to my childhood with my Commodore and my Atari and if a game cost £10 it was considered expensive (most cost £3-£5).


If companies want to make money off pre-owned games, they can simply create a converter and charge for it. I bought a converter for my ancient SNES which allowed me to play my even more ancient Game Boy games on it.

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First of all the rumors are definitely rumors. They're started by analysts and people who "have inside info" but don't work for Sony OR Microsoft so I'll be skeptical until I see an official announcement. But if it IS true then I don't like it. I have no problem with things like online passes where you need to pay like 10 bucks to use online features if you buy it used but to completely kill used games? No. Sorry. I can't support anything that limits my choices like that. If they do it they should do it the way the Sony rumor says and charge a fee to be able to play used games.

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Despite this being a rumor for now, I am not terribly happy with it. I can tell you right now there will probably be some sort of backlash if it were to happen because of a few factors; not to mention just how expensive new games are and how bad the economy is right now. I know this won't be for another two years at least, but the major publishers really need to think long and hard about this. It could very well backfire and we could go the way of piracy, emulating, etc. People do crazy things to get free shit.

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I have no problem with things like online passes where you need to pay like 10 bucks to use online features if you buy it used but to completely kill used games? No. Sorry. I can't support anything that limits my choices like that. If they do it they should do it the way the Sony rumor says and charge a fee to be able to play used games.


I think that's about as much as I could stand, as long as this "fee" isn't too high! I'm definitely moving to PC gaming otherwise. But hopefully they're all just rumours....*fingers crossed*

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