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Sites to post non-LGBT focused stories?

James Hiwatari

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I am working on a new story that I want to start posting with some regularly from 2014 onwards. It's a story that I originally wrote as a fanfic in 2003-2009. I found a way to make it into a 100% original plot, and for the last year or so I have been working on fixing its plot holes and other issues. I have so far written 1.5 chapters of a total of 125 (the original version was more than 800,000 words long), but I plan to work regularly on it (as well as continuing Be Myself! and The Orchestra. I don't intend to stop them).


The thing is, the story isn't focused on LGBT characters. Although I write assuming characters are bisexual until otherwise stated, the main characters are 12-14 years old. Sexuality as such doesn't play a big part in the thing, though there will be little bits of romance (same sex and opposite sex). So I guess this means I shouldn't post the story here.


Here's the story summary: 


MaruMonzterz is the new cool game (completely made up by me and my Awesome Gamer Partner) that every child (and some grown-ups) wants to play (see the website for details and rules). The story focuses on a team of six children who travel through all the continents for the 2014 MaruMonzterz World Tournament. During their journey, the children meet lots of friends/rivals from the countries they visit, and discover that there is much more to the game then meets the eye.

And then they go to an epic final battle against the Big Bad. Obviously.

MaruMonzterz aims to have a very inclusive and diverse cast, and to discuss things like sexism, racism, queerphobia, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, and ableism while providing a cool dose of entertainment, action, comedy, drama, romance… all that stuff.

Can anyone recommend sites where I can post this story? I don't want to keep it just to its website because it would be nice if I could get some feedback and maybe even publish it one day. When I wrote it as a fanfiction in Portuguese, it was considerably well-received. I've been living with the characters from that story for 10 years now, and so I really feel like it's about time I get to show them to the wider world (hence I'm writing the whole thing in English this time around).


If anyone wants to know more about the story, their website address is http://marumonzterz.jamesiscreative.com/.   






Edited by James Hiwatari
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Hey James there is loads of other story site where you can post no LGBTQ stories such as:


Fan Fiction


Fiction press


And I am sure there are site out there that focus on a specific type of fiction, look around and you may find some. Gay fiction can spin from many different types of genres, and GA is a prime example of that they host story about werewolf, pirates and demons have a look through the tags see what you can find.


But with the attitude of the world nowadays it is hard to find community based story site that don't have one or two gay fiction writers, just look around and see what you can find.


I hope this help.




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I don't really see why you couldn't post that story here, to be honest. You say yourself that it focuses on some queer themes. I do not believe that it's a requirement for stories posted on GA to all contain relationships or blatantly out there LGBT themes.


That said, as Scotty suggested, FictionPress is a place where you can post original fiction of any variety (though it can be hard to sort out the good from the bad). I've also had some success with some of my original works on AO3. It's primarily a fanfiction site, but there's an 'Original Works' tag that more and more people post under these days. 


I think you should just post it here, though. I'm sure lots of people would enjoy it, the premise seems interesting. :)

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since you're writing YA focused stuff. You might get some traction on wattpad or figment. but these sites are really big. You can't just post and hope to get visibility by magic.  You have to do some kind of work to get more visible. 

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I also see no reason why you can't post the story here, i want to read it, sounds very cool (i just said to Thorn "if pokemon was cool...")


You're dealing with all sorts of issues, and there are stories on GA that aren't explicitly centered around LGBTQ characters. especially since they're teens, it's not exactly the point of the thing.


go on, share it with us here.

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Thanks everyone! 


I will post the story here on GA now, thanks for your encouragement. I hope you enjoy it. :)


I already have an account on FictionPress, and I'll be posting it there too. I'll check out the other places you mentioned.


I suck at self-promotion, so I really have no idea what I should do to get the story and the website more noticed. Obviously, I personally think that the website is looking as good as it can get considering it's a one-person job, and I think the story is pretty good after 11 long years of writing and re-writing, but I always sound horrible pretentious when I try to tell people that. I probably sound like that now. Oh, well.



Anyway, thanks everyone! 

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Thanks everyone! 


I will post the story here on GA now, thanks for your encouragement. I hope you enjoy it. :)


I already have an account on FictionPress, and I'll be posting it there too. I'll check out the other places you mentioned.


I suck at self-promotion, so I really have no idea what I should do to get the story and the website more noticed. Obviously, I personally think that the website is looking as good as it can get considering it's a one-person job, and I think the story is pretty good after 11 long years of writing and re-writing, but I always sound horrible pretentious when I try to tell people that. I probably sound like that now. Oh, well.



Anyway, thanks everyone! 


I'm looking forward to reading it! :) 


As for self-promotion, I can suggest Twitter and Tumblr as good places to start. Follow people who look like they might be interested, post updates, characters profiles, talk about your progress and see if people follow you back. I see from your website that you've given e-mail addresses to all your characters, so individual twitter accounts for them might be a fun idea once you get going a bit. They can converse with each other about what's going on in the story. Be liberal with posting links to any social media sites you're a member of, though preferably without seeming like you're spamming. Just give it your best shot and see what happens! :)

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good writing generally speaks for itself. i basically never did any self promotion until very recently.


be about on the site, join in on forum discussions and weight in one any topic that interests you. make friends - they tend to read the stuff you write AND tell other people to read it too.

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Thanks, everyone!


I already have a tumblr, but I'll see about twitter after the story gets a couple more chapters and the main characters actually appear...



Other than that, hope you enjoy the story if ever get to read it. :)

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