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Lance Bass' mother speaks out at her church

Bill W

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I found her comments to be very interesting in moving.  Let's how this starts to impact other Christian organizations and individuals. 



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I grew up in a southern baptist family, my dad was also a deacon in our church.


When I came out to my parents my first year in college back in '91, first my mom was devastated, then my dad threatened to disown me, cut off my college funds and force me out of the house if I wouldn't break up with my boyfriend and renounce being gay.


Being barely 18 and desperate to get am education to escape small-town life in Florida, I am ashamed that I caved to his demands. I pretended to be straight.


I ended up pretending so well I got married and have two beautiful children. I am miserable because there is no way to come out to my wife and children without destroying our home, and if I don't come out I am trapped living a lie.


I hope there will be more parents like Lance's mom in the years to come. I pray that more people will have the strength of character I fail to have to be true to themselves. I try to have faith that God will forgive me for the choices I made and give me the strength and grace to move forward in life, whatever path that leads.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I grew up in a southern baptist family, my dad was also a deacon in our church.


When I came out to my parents my first year in college back in '91, first my mom was devastated, then my dad threatened to disown me, cut off my college funds and force me out of the house if I wouldn't break up with my boyfriend and renounce being gay.


Being barely 18 and desperate to get am education to escape small-town life in Florida, I am ashamed that I caved to his demands. I pretended to be straight.


I ended up pretending so well I got married and have two beautiful children. I am miserable because there is no way to come out to my wife and children without destroying our home, and if I don't come out I am trapped living a lie.


I hope there will be more parents like Lance's mom in the years to come. I pray that more people will have the strength of character I fail to have to be true to themselves. I try to have faith that God will forgive me for the choices I made and give me the strength and grace to move forward in life, whatever path that leads.


Don't beat yourself up about being in the closet. Not everyone feels able to come out. And forget the "choice" thing if you mean about being gay. No-one chooses to be gay. You'd have to be certifiable to make such a crazy choice :P


You believe in God - I don't :) - so you must also believe that God created you. Which means your god created you. You are made "in his image". Even a non-believer like me knows the Bible says that :P And since God never makes mistakes there is no forgiveness to ask for. It's simple logic :)


You're gay but I guess you love your children and I bet they love you back. Likewise your wife, even if you'd rather have sex with a man. We live in the here and now, and so we should, but one day you may feel it possible to be honest with your family. Especially if you've brought up your kids to be decent, accepting people. In the meantime you've already got a lot more than probably most people have in this world. And you've got all of us here at GA :) The most important thing is accepting yourself and liking yourself for who you are. With that in place you can face anything.


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You're getting sentimental in your decaying brain zombie :)


Rich, life is filled with rotten lots and sqaushed dreams. Some accept it and make do with what they have been dealt. Others go back to the grocery store of life and try to find something sweet to offset bitter experiences. Bottom line; you cannot choose what you are or what you've done; but you always have a chance to seek happiness with or without another guy. The attempt of seeking joy gives a lot more meaning to life than merely duty and unanswered questions.


Ask yourself; do you want to be completely honest with your wife? Your kids?

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