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Trash TV


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pain and suffering


A popular genre of trash TV is watching other people suffering. It started off with shows that humiliated people and made them look stupid. This kind of TV still exists, with shows like the X-Factor where deluded trailer-trash expose their pitiful lack of talent so that the celebrity judges can crush and destroy them on national TV. And it gets even better if the cameras can zoom onto the outraged mother offstage, mouthing bleeped obscenities and threatening to rip off Simon Cowell's dangly bits with a rusty claw hammer (actually, I might pay for a ticket to see that... :P) so that the audience at home, slumped on their couches, can chortle, point and laugh while simultaneously stuffing more high-salt, high-fat, nutritionally valueless snack items down their distended gullets. Hmm, I've just had an idea for a new TV show... :funny:

But this wasn't enough. Appetites were getting jaded and viewers wanted more - people had to suffer physical and psychological pain to maximise viewer enjoyment. As I understand it shows like this originated in Japan and victims were just ordinary members of the public. But again that wasn't enough. Who were these people anyway? Why should viewers waste their valuable time gawping at the pain and misery of nonentities no-one's heard of?

That's the beauty of trash TV. It's endlessly inventive. So it moved onto the next level - taking those "celebs" who'd mocked and guffawed at the trailer-trash and doing a 180 - inflicting pain and suffering on the "celebs". And we're talking real pain, suffering and misery. What's not to like? :lol: Shows like I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! offer top quality entertainment - "celebs" suffering in a God-awful Hell hole (Australia :gikkle:) and being forced to eat giant grubs while sitting in a bathtub full of live maggots and watching re-runs of Simon Cowell.

Then came Splash! This moved the game on with real actual injuries shown in hi-def as the "celebs" belly flopped from the diving board. The bruises were just spectacular (you'll be happy to learn Dan Osborne was completely unharmed in the making of that programme :) )

Then, as a warm up to Sochi, came Channel 4's The Jump where our viewing pleasure included watching "celebs'" perform dangerous winter sports activities. And when it all went horribly wrong - as we knew it would :P - watching the exact moment when their bones snapped and they were rushed off to ER for emergency, and hopefully painful, surgery. But for me the best bit was watching these creatures do the "skeleton", with a backwards head-cam transmitting their eye-bulging terror and horrific screams as they hurtled head first down the ice track at 100kph+

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I find I can't tear my eyes away. Does that make me a bad person?








Edited by Zombie
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I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I find I can't tear my eyes away. Does that make me a bad person?








:lol: Not bad but I don't think it's funny. Me working in a hospital I don't like programs like this, I am always wondering what kind of fractures they get and what kind of surgery they need :facepalm::funny:



What do you mean by this ?? Hello, Zombie !!! Anybody there ?? Hellooooo !! :funny:

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:lol: Not bad but I don't think it's funny. Me working in a hospital I don't like programs like this, I am always wondering what kind of fractures they get and what kind of surgery they need :facepalm::funny:


What do you mean by this ?? Hello, Zombie !!! Anybody there ?? Hellooooo !! :funny:


Well none was permanently maimed, they were happy to sign up for the cash and it's paid business for the hospitals so it's all good :)


Sorry you got all bothered and bewildered by the blank second post - I jabbed the wrong button by mistake :P

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Well none was permanently maimed, they were happy to sign up for the cash and it's paid business for the hospitals so it's all good :)


Sorry you got all bothered and bewildered by the blank second post - I jabbed the wrong button by mistake :P

It's okay -  but don't do it again !! :P:hug:

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Here's a reality show people would pay-per-view to see:



Me beating the shit out of reality stars with a claw hammer.


Cmeeer Honey Boo Boo- let's open up your skull and see if there's a brain in there!

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I wouldn't watch any of these shows.  TV sucks.  It perpetuates intellectual atrophy.  It reinforces negative outlooks.  If I ever get to a point where I'm sitting in front of the TV as a means of recreation that's the point where I'll know my life will have become pretty much worthless.  Now it's time for me to go.  Sorry, but Spongebob Squarepants is about to come on and I couldn't forgive myself if I missed it.

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  • 1 month later...


It's on Saturday!! *jumps up and down excitedly*

This is Grade A Trash TV Heaven! :) Invented after WWII as a way for Europe to engage in combat without body bags, it's basically a contest of rubbish songs with countries ganging up on each other and fighting proxy wars by rigged voting and bribery, and with Graham Norton presenting what's not to like? :funny: Every now and again an original quality song will win just to spoil things - like Belarus singer / songwriter / violinist Alexander Rybak's Fairytale winning for Norway in 2009 - but these are merely aberrations :P




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