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err Keptain Nemo, sir


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Mysterious Underwater Beast Eats 9-Foot-Long Great White Shark

A 9-foot-long great white shark that was fitted with a tracking device was eaten by a mysterious underwater beast, Australian scientists say.

The female shark was tagged off the coast of Australia as part of a program to track the species and better understand their movements, Examiner.com reported. The incident apparently occurred 11 years ago, but a documentary on the mystery titled "Hunt For the Super Predator" is to air on the Smithsonian Channel on June 25.


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Sounds interesting and scary at the same time.  What in the world could turn the tables on a great white?  And let's hope it isn't looking for new hunting grounds.  

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  • Site Administrator

Not sure if Australia is the same as North America, but anything tagged Examiner.com instantly moves it into the BS Bin for me.

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you got miss-associations in your eyes if yer thinking supermarket tabloids

Not sure if Australia is the same as North America, but anything tagged Examiner.com instantly moves it into the BS Bin for me.

you have to google the keywords "National Examiner" or "National Enquirer" (tabloids owned by American Media, Inc.)

The National Examiner is a supermarket tabloid owned by American Media, Inc. Like other tabloids, its contents have often come under question, and it has been derided for its sensationalistic writing.
The National Enquirer (also commonly known as the Enquirer) is an American supermarket tabloid now published by American Media Inc (AMI). Founded in 1926,[3] the tabloid has gone through a variety of changes over the years. www.nationalenquirer.com

it would be unnerving if a tabloid article comes up in a news feed ... so far I hate blogs coming up in certain news feeds

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i think there are predators that eat other predators n themselves


Sounds interesting and scary at the same time.  What in the world could turn the tables on a great white?  And let's hope it isn't looking for new hunting grounds.  


it be scary if non predators become predator


the closest story I know of is a litter of bunnies has just been born and the papa goes hopping crazy killing some of the babies

but that be a case of separating the female n the male in captivity but in the wild I'm not sure if this ever happens


another one is where the mama cat is hungry and can't wait for its turn for food, it might by accident kill one of the kittens to get at the food

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  • Site Administrator

So it is a credible news story that comes from a site whose lead story is 'Man drives 1900 miles across country with his dead girlfriend riding shotgun'


If that is not enough, here is the finial line from the highly credible Great White Shark article:



Readers near the coasts are urged to spend no more than 30 minutes packing up their belongings before seeking shelter as far inland as possible, although by the time you read this, the highways will likely be choked with cars, creating a prime target for this indestructible killing machine that’s definitely some kind of alien/ mutant symbol of mankind’s hubris and not just a slightly larger shark that took advantage of this one not paying attention.

Otherwise saying that there is a highly probable explanation, but you aren't going to find it here.


Still staying in the BS Bin :)

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lol, (Man drives 1900) is also on washingtonpost website

lol, (Great White Shark) is also on mirror.co.uk


as far as finding out what is the super predator u have to watch the Smithsonian TV show


 "Hunt For the Super Predator" is to air on the Smithsonian Channel on June 25"


just hope this same predator didn't eat the 240 passengers on mh370, lol

imagine chasing the blackbox inside a creature


So it is a credible news story that comes from a site whose lead story is 'Man drives 1900 miles across country with his dead girlfriend riding shotgun'


If that is not enough, here is the finial line from the highly credible Great White Shark article:


Otherwise saying that there is a highly probable explanation, but you aren't going to find it here.


Still staying in the BS Bin :)

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we can track a shark 9 FT but we can't track an airplane(mh370)???

hows that for the BS Bin, lol


The recovered tracking device showed a rapid temperature rise and a sudden 1,900-foot-deep plunge. It stayed there for many days, moving around and occasionally ascending to go down again until it finally reached the shore. That's all the information that scientists gathered from the tracking device.


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