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So, the Patriots are cheating again.  Is that newsworthy?


Judge for yourself.  Read the article in today's New York Times.


The argument now being made on the Patriots’ behalf is that even if the balls were underinflated, it hardly matters because they won the game by such a substantial margin.



It seems that sportsmanship and fair play hardly matter to some.

Edited by MikeL
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I think New England clearly outplayed Indy regardless of the inflation issue.  That being said, a lot of money is involved in this game for players, coaches and teams.  Players and coaches often get large bonuses if the team makes it into the playoffs, championship or superbowl.  With that much money on the line, I think sportsmanship and fair play have been sidelined. 


Even at the college level there is obviously corruption.  I think the NCAA turns a blind eye to most of it.

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So, the Patriots are cheating again.  Is that newsworthy?


Judge for yourself.  Read the article in today's New York Times.



It seems that sportsmanship and fair play hardly matter to some.


What an obviously slanted perspective. You want us to "judge for ourselves" while pronouncing them guilty as sin in the same breath, never mind that we still don't know the actual reason(s) why so many balls were deflated.


Oooooookay then......  :rolleyes:

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What an obviously slanted perspective. You want us to "judge for ourselves" while pronouncing them guilty as sin in the same breath, never mind that we still don't know the actual reason(s) why so many balls were deflated.


Oooooookay then......  :rolleyes:


Well, I did encourage you to judge for yourself.  Please forgive me for exercising the same privilege.


I'm guessing 11 out of 12 balls being deflated was neither coincidence nor divine intervention.

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I'm waiting to see what the final outcome is before I decide one way or the other. I'm a Colts fan and I've been listening to this all week. I'm suspecious  as from what I've heard, it was an Indianapolis TV station that made the report.

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Andy Luck and his boys wouldn't have won that game regardless. They played like it was the first day of training camp, not the AFC Championship. When your a team as good as the Patriots with a coach as ingenious as Bellichick, everyone is bound to try and come up with excuses as to why they can't beat you. 

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Geek to the rescue! Here's what happened:


The balls are pumped up to spec inside the field house. The HEATED field house.


The balls are used on the field where the temperature is very COLD.


Boyle's Law comes into play. Boyle's Law is a relationship between heat and pressure. Any volume of gas is going to vary in pressure given its temperature. When it's hot, the pressure is higher and the gas expands.


When it is cold, the pressure is lower and the gas contracts.


That's why you have to add air to your tires in cold weather.


I'm shocked and appalled that no one seems to remember their freshmen chemistry. :P

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