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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Using Images Of Minors In Ga Galleries


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I've been careful to post only my own photos or those clearly in the public domain (even those often require attribution.) One picture I posted of myself and an ex was from a photo shoot we did for a photographer and I received his written permission to use it. I've also been careful not to post more than a couple of pictures at a time, trying to avoid filling up the front page ribbon. I consider that to be rude to others since it bumps their photos off too quickly.


I took a quick look and out of 12 'character' images I looked at, all 12 were downloaded from the internet and there was no copywright attribution. I fear the dangers of a potential lawsuit could cost GA more money that whatever it lost in advertising revenue. If we care about ensuring the long term survival of a site we all obviously enjoy, I'd encourage posters to remove any such pictures and refrain from publishing others in the future.

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I've also been careful not to post more than a couple of pictures at a time, trying to avoid filling up the front page ribbon. I consider that to be rude to others since it bumps their photos off too quickly.


I agree, should be part of netiquette.

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Honestly, I'm not a fan of being shown how a character should look. I like to read and form my own image of them as I go along. Not everyone is like that and I'm not saying authors shouldn't post pictures swaying how we picture their characters. Good stories have creative descriptions of characters that allow for readers to form a good mental picture of them. I want my readers to visualize the characters the way they wish to. I will try to guide them, but I won't ever show them outright. We don't really like the, "face in the mirror" paragraphs. (Paragraphs like: My name is Frank, I'm 6'1", blue eyes, brown hair, six pack abs, hairless as the day I popped out of my momma, perfect teeth... etc.) So I'm just taking that to the next level and thinking that being shown, is worse than that. 


Not saying people who post pictures are wrong and not worth reading. Nothing like that, but as a reader I avoid picture representation of characters until I am finished with the story. Then it is fun to see fan-art, artwork, photos, etc. 

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Personally, I find using pictures of people at anytime concerning and frankly unnecessary. A written description of the character is enough for me - I can see them in my mind's eye and that's enough. 

Yes. I even dislike having an image from outside displacing whatever I've come up with in my imagination. 


To have images of individuals (who may or may not be minors) in close proximity with sexually explicit material would seem to be asking for trouble.The stories they're 'associated' with might not be sexually explicit but there's plenty of other material close by. Plus, those individuals should be able to control the use of their 'image', and their online life (mistakes of all sorts made online have a habit of hanging around for a long time). 


I took a quick look and out of 12 'character' images I looked at, all 12 were downloaded from the internet and there was no copywright attribution. I fear the dangers of a potential lawsuit could cost GA more money that whatever it lost in advertising revenue. If we care about ensuring the long term survival of a site we all obviously enjoy, I'd encourage posters to remove any such pictures and refrain from publishing others in the future.


I agree with this - just because it's easy and everybody else does it, doesn't make it right. A creator should be able to control the use and redistribution of their work; there may be a financial incentive behind but really, it's because it's theirs. I post photos taken on holiday and I wouldn't dream of reposting anyother work - apart from anything else it goes against the spirit of that part of the site. It would only take one punitive fine to cause very serious problems here.

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