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Smile for the camera


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I got a speeding ticket today.....in the mail.....one of those picture kind. Apparently I was doing 63 in a 50. Now for anyone familiar with Washington DC, I was on 295 and trust me when I say if you're driving at 50 on that road, you better be on the shoulder. If not, you'll get run over. I'm not feeling too guilty about it. It was early on a Saturday morning and I was just moving along with traffic. I'm betting a lot of people got a nice snap shot of their car in the mail. I must have missed the memo that explained the police were getting tricky and using radar/camera cars that don't look like police cars. Doesn't seem quite fair. :(


The funny thing about this is my husband thought the ticket was his. He's the usual culprit. When he saw the return address on the envelope, his first thought was 'Damn'. His second was 'I don't remember driving in DC'. Then he opens it up and sees a picture of my car, so his third thought was 'I don't remember driving Sharon's car.....in DC'. :blink: He then realizes its not his.


So I get home an hour later and the first thing my kids say is 'You got a speeding ticket from DC with your car's picture'. So I said 'Dad must have been driving my car.' They said they'd already suggested that, but he wasn't buying it. :lmao:


You'd think after almost 23 years of marriage, he'd be willing to take the rap. :P


Well I'm off to write a $50 dollar check, and counting myself lucky they didn't see me before I got on 295 when I was traveling just a tad quicker. B)



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You'd think after almost 23 years of marriage, he'd be willing to take the rap. :P


Sorry you got the ticket, but thanks for sharing that hilarious story about your husband! :great:

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At least you didn't find out through the mail that you had a parking ticket in New Brunswick two months ago, and the mailing was just a notice that the fine was upped $10 because you missed your court date. I went to the court to tell them that this ticket was blasphomy, because there was NEVER any ticket on my car. The fat whore behind the window didn't give a shit and said she couldn't do anything at the window, and I had to pay. I swear, if I could afford a lawyer, I would sue the entire New Brunswick municipal system, and then sue the DOT for making a HUGE mess out of the city by eliminated dozens of imperative left turns in recent years, making people drive further to get to where they need to go, and further endangering the lives of pedestrians... but NO, college students are poor.


Because my car is in my dads name, they were threatening to arrest him for not paying the ticket. What a crock of shit.




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I got a damn parking ticket at my highschool... For 3 years everyone parked in the firelanes here and there were no tickets given out. I moved here and was almost late to class so i parked in the fire lane along with like 20 other people. I walk out of school to see a ticket on my damn windshield... $25!


And of course, after that they never ticketed again. Everyone still parks there and no one gives tickets!


I felt so picked on just because I had a Texas license plate in Missouri :(


But, the ticket was in my moms name so I still havent gotten a ticket technically :P

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Well, as we seem to have hijacked Sharon's blog for ticket stories, I have a good one. If you have ever had to deal with the California Highway Patrol (no it wasn't Ponch or John) in southern California, there is one thing you have learned. If you make them get ouot of their call/off their motorcycle, they will give you a ticket if there is any way possible. Basically, there is NO WAY to talk them out of it.


So I am crusing down the freeway taking my step-daughter to her dad's house. I'm just about to merge into the exit lane, still doing 60 or so because there is no traffic, when someone decides that they want to occupy the same space-time and the front end of my car. The rear end of their car manages to clip the front end of my car and I spin out and end up slamming straight into the sound wall on the side of the freeway. The car was too old for airbags, thank god. The force of the impact was enough to cause the tape in the tape player to insert itself and start playing. It was kinda funny. Blaring radio ... spinout with daughter screaming ... impact with wall ... 2 silence while tape starts and covers blank space between songs ... Blondie at full volume. The combination of the adrenaline and the seat belt made it almost impossible to lean forward and turn that damend thing off.


Anyway, during the impact, my glove compartment opened, and the contents managed to displace themselves all over the rear seat of the car. Bottom line, the other guy got away, my car was a total loss, it was too cheap to carry comp., and I got a ticket because I couldn't find my registration and proof of insurance :angry: .


:king: Snow Dog

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