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Do you ever wish that your life was more interesting?


You gotta be kidding! If my life was any more "interesting" I'd implode. Or explode. Or something else really messy! :blink: My BF Doug is Chinese, and he like to quote that supposed ancient Chinese curse:


"May you live in interesting times." :P


Colin :boy:

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You gotta be kidding! If my life was any more "interesting" I'd implode. Or explode. Or something else really messy! :blink: My BF Doug is Chinese, and he like to quote that supposed ancient Chinese curse:


"May you live in interesting times." :P


Colin :boy:


Or is it a blessing? I understand that the Chinese word for disaster also means opportunity.


There is something really trippy about that.

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Do you ever wish that your life was more interesting?


God no! The more interesting life gets the more work I have to do :/


I hope for boring, lazy, relaxing, waste of time days.

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That is one of those questions that the fates may make you regret having asked. I once asked what else could go wrong and found out that I didn't really want to know.


OH YES!!!! Been there, done that. :o

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GOD yes i wish my life was more interesting. Other than driving to Cleveland from Detroit every other weekend, selling......"items", goin to Canada every month, blowing off my hw running to Macdonald's and yelling at my dad for being such a dick to the family, my life is pretty uninteresting. But i DO seriously wish i had something meaningfull to wake up to. Like when i wake up in the morning i want to think "Wow, my life is better because of ______. Now what am i gonna do today that is going to help preserve that in my life?" Or something like that, you get the jist.








Ian ^_^

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I guess my life isn't too interesting...going to uni, working, and going home again. But then again there are so many things that happen everyday that we seem to take for granted, and I guess I'm content with the fact I have my health, a few close friends, and can enjoy many things that others can't even dream of doing. I think people won't be really content with what they have, because you tend to think or believe that out there there's something more, something better.



hehehe...I did the same job for three years, begging for something more of a chalenge.


sure enough, once I got the new job, I was begging to go back :lmao:


Exactly what I mean! :lmao:


Well, Buddhism teaches not to like or dislike what you have or haven't got. Just take and be content with everything as they are, and you'll see life is interesting enough already as it is 0:)


Or is it a blessing? I understand that the Chinese word for disaster also means opportunity.


There is something really trippy about that.


Hmm...not quite....actually it's the Chinese for 'crisis' which is a combination of the characters for 'danger' and 'opportunity'. There's something to 'interest-ify' the day for us all today 0:)

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