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Fairy Tales Anthology now online!

C James

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The Fairy Tales Special Anthology is now online for your reading pleasure: https://www.gayauthors.org/anthology/index2.php

After you've read the Anthology entry, please follow the links at the ends of the stories to the forum discussions and leave your comments for the authors.


Happy Valentine

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And a big thank you to C James for all his hard work in co-ordinating this project. :)



Thanks, but it was truly a team effort (and many thanks to the Writer Support Team members, many of whom were involved in the planning stages).


And thanks also to Myr, for giving us a place (GA) to do things like this!

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And I have to say a special thank you to CJ & Graeme for all their hard work into this.

Joe and Kitty for aiding and assisting with their efforts

Myr for creating GA in the first place

All the writers who submitted to make an Anthology happen in the first place

And lastly all the readers out there who will read these stories.


I think I've said it all, but I'm sure I'm forgetting someone too, so thanks to everyone I missed and should have mentioned...




*Whispers* can I have my Oscar now?

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