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Harry Potter 6 Title

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Thanks for the Link Nav... the trouble with working all day (and even OT today) is that I can't follow everything any more. I rely on you guys to help me out.


Now... "'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince'" that has some interesting connotations. Especially when you take in that she says that is it NOT Harry or Voldy.


What do you FanFic writers think?

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Many people have thought that so J. K Rowling posted on her site that he has nothing to do with the story, the name is just a coincidence


I'm thinking it might be Mark Evans Harry mentioned in book 5. Evans was Lily's last name. Pehaps he is a second cousin to Harry.

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Well, while I'm enjoying a short vacation with my best friend in San Francisco, I did manage to check out the site and story about this. The thing to remember is that in each of her books so far, JK Rowling has introduced some major aspects of the Wizarding world that we haven't seen before, and that has always been a major part of the book's plot.


I think that we are very likely to see the chamber of secrets again in this book, with some additional stuff from there that wasn't found in Book 2. She's stated that some of the plot points for Book 6 were originally going to be a part of Chamber of Secrets, but she realized they really belonged in Book 6 instead. Exactly who the Half-Blood Prince will be, I'm not too sure. I'm fairly sure it won't be a character we've met before, but rather one we've heard reference to in some vague way. I'm also fairly sure that this HBP will be a key part of the war with Voldemort and might even be essential to Harry's victory in Book 7.


Well, we'll have to see :)

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Assuming, of course, that Harry wins. He probably will but Rowling has pulled twists on us before. In any event, Harry's continued existence is also up in the air. Even if he wins, it may cost him his life.

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