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    Berkeley, CA
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    Beach, water polo, reading, triathlons.

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  1. 1. The Bible (with Hebrew & Greek translations included) 2. The Complete Works of Ayn Rand 3. I don't actually know the name of the series, but you can find them in old bookstores in Berkeley. Written in 1960's & '70's on like how to make clothes, build a cabin, skin a deer, etc for when civilization collapses. 4. The Complete Works of C.S. Lewis 5. The Power of Positive Thinking by N.V. Peale
  2. Cute story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6TEwb82LeM&list=TLt-vMNqTOtrI82bGqJawncuHtZEgERpeS
  3. Tommy_B

    Chapter 19

    I felt bad reading your response to Tim and that there are only 6 reviews for the chapter. For all the work you do you deserve more feedback, but I am as guilty as any since I usually just read and don't even sign in these days. I like this story a lot (i like all the Will ones!) but I am afaid as we march to the actual 9-11, it will be necessarily somber. I was too young in 2001 to fully appreciate how big a deal it was, but as I got older and friends brothers or fathers went out on duty to Iraq and Afghanistan I began to get it more. Anyway, I like it when Will hooks up with guys close to his age as long as they are not losers (tony). Scott creeps me out.
  4. Especially to my two dads, the only two I've ever really known. Love you two so much, thanks for everything!
  5. Whirled Peas
  6. Tommy_B

    Chapter 35

    I think for a 13 year old, Will is pretty big for his britches. Scott (or whatever his name used to be) is possibly still in danger and Brad needs to be a father once in a while who says no and sets limits, not someone who wants to be Will's buddy or have Will like him. Will needs to be told, there are matters that can't be talked about and even talking about why can't be talked about.
  7. Blue n Gold.
  8. Chapter 26 for Will and Berto. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX6iOHczVA4
  9. Tommy_B

    Chapter 24

    You are going to be on Tim's shit list (can I say shit?) for calling the Excelsior, the "Westin".
  10. Tommy_B

    Chapter 23

    The surprise trip should have been to Biarritz, not Rome so Will could surf. It would have been fun to have Stef on the beach flirting with French surfers, sipping white wine and going to the casino at night with Will in tuxedos. Boys in tuxedos are hotties.
  11. Happy Birthday Owl! remember that only very, very bad owls eat cute little fishes
  12. I think they prefer "Persian"
  13. NPH was hilarious, who knew he could sing and dance like that.... or Hugh Jackman for that matter. But I was most impressed by Daniel Radcliffe. I can't imagine how long it took to get this dance routine down and it is just one of the numbers in the show. I guess I've never really thought about how tough it has to be to be a Broadway musical actor. You have to be full of energy and up for 8 shows a week. http://www.youtube.com/user/GuilbeauxFan#p/u/5/69WpCBLrdSQ
  14. Not sure what high school you went to, but I know a lot of guys who took it in high school. They were guys whose families wouldn't accept less than 4.4 and above type grades in an AP heavy schedule because they are supposed to go to Harvard or Stanford and become doctors. I have a close friend at a school with 28 National Merit Scholar Semi-finalists, over 500 students in the school are in AP classes and most take 2 or three, some have 4. They are all looking for any edge.
  15. Tommy_B

    Chapter 18

    Ah i see a young thug making his way back to California after he helps the guys.
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