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Everything posted by sandrewn

  1. 3D Pictures Take the Plunge http://brainden.com/3d-pictures.htm#prettyPhoto[pp_gal]/8/ sandrewn (the stereograms stumped me)
  2. Now, for a complete change of subject. Inquiring minds want to know! Why Does Coffee Make You Poop? http://www.livescience.com/45465-why-does-coffee-make-you-poop.html sandrewn (I think I'll cut down, from 10 to 9 cups a day)
  3. I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work. --Thomas Alva Edison sandrewn
  4. Question: When is a photograph not a photograph? Answer: When it is in fact a painting. These special artists could challenge the work of not a few professional photographers http://www.boredpanda.com/hyperrealistic-art-photorealistic-paintings-look-like-photos/ I would make the time to go to the gallery to see these works, if they were on display. sandrewn
  5. The Scary use of Mercury in years gone by Syphilis - Its early history and Treatment From the Journal of Military and Veteran's Health http://jmvh.org/article/syphilis-its-early-history-and-treatment-until-penicillin-and-the-debate-on-its-origins/ Note: Once I started reading, I had to read the whole article, as I hope you do as well. A real eye opener. We use chemo therapy, but back then there was no excuse, except ignorance, for what was done. sandrewn
  6. You can't have a better tomorrow if you don't stop thinking about yesterday sandrewn (okay, I'll have to work on that one)
  7. For what it is worth, my two cents says you should carry on with this story. I will read it and look forward to your continuing with it. You got my attention and vote. sandrewn
  8. When she was born this would of seemed like a miracle and (was) an impossible dream. We should all keep in mind, that with time all things may be possible and that dreams can indeed, come true. In Virginia McLaurins' case, it just took 106 years. http://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/106-yr-old-woman-breaks-into-a-dance-upon-meeting-the-president-and-first-lady-watch/ sandrewn (you have to believe)
  9. Amen! sandrewn (enough said)
  10. The thought that was put into creating these photos, is awe inspiring! Or, talk about lucky and being in just the right place at the just right time. Maybe a combination of both? 15+ Reflections That Will Mess With Your Head http://www.boredpanda.com/amazing-reflections-optical-illusions/ sandrewn (regardless of the how, well done)
  11. I have never had more than several thousand dollars in my hands. I don't know about you, but I could never wrap my mind around how much a million would look like, let alone a BILLION dollars. Now when Trillions are talked about by governments, it boggles the imagination. I found this article from 2013 that helps me to visualize what these amounts would look like to the average person. http://www.livescience.com/40400-debt-ceiling-how-much-is-16-trillion.html sandrewn
  12. I asked an old man: Which is more important? To love or to be loved? Old man replied: Which is more important to a bird? The left wing or the right wing? sandrewn
  13. Graeme and CassieQ, here are two articles that might be of as much interest to you as they were to me. http://www.livescience.com/52165-earths-largest-continental-volcanic-ring-discovered.html http://www.livescience.com/41262-west-antarctica-new-volcano-discovered.html sandrewn (I love discovering new things)
  14. I totally agree. Most people have all kinds of fantasies rolling around in their heads and most should never see the light of the day(chills run down my spine). Now this artist can picture what his imagination creates and with the deft strokes of his brushes on canvas, develop them into a picture for all to see and enjoy. Well done, Rob Gonsalves sandrewn (Salvador Dali would have approved)
  15. Don't know why, but I had a quarter in my hand and Jukebox Hero, flashed through my mind. sandrewn
  16. It seems as if time is speeding up as more and more of those that we knew pass on before us. I don't think I missed even one episode of that series(Mannix). In looking at his career, almost everything thing he appeared in I probably saw at one time or another. Much like Sir John. The name might escape me, but his face is etched on a portrait hanging forever on the walls of memory in the galleries my mind. One movie that comes to mind of his. A comedy, I try to find and watch when ever possible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Situation_Hopeless..._But_Not_Serious RIP Mike Conners sandrewn
  17. Canadian artist Rob Gonsalves 25 Mind-Twisting Optical Illusion Paintings http://www.boredpanda.com/magic-realism-paintings-rob-gonsalves/ sandrewn (it took me a few seconds to realize what I was seeing)
  18. You could have offered to pay me money if I was able to put a name to a picture of him. Your money would have been safe. The characters and roles he played are what stuck in my mind. The first was Richard Rich. The rest spanned all the years since. Caligula, Doctor Who, Midnight Express, Alien, John Merrick. The list just goes on. He did so much, right up until the end, a real trooper. The War Doctor Now the exact opposite was true of MTM. A mere glimpse of her face or sound of her voice and the name was right there. Both were masters of their craft. I will miss them both deeply. Any chance I get, I would watch one of their films / series or episodes where ever they were offered. RIP Sir John sandrewn
  19. Why Do Cats Purr? By Elizabeth Palermo, Associate Editor | October 11, 2013 05:32pm ET Credit: Kitten image via Shutterstock For cat lovers, there are few sounds as precious as a beloved feline's purr. The purr — which is produced through intermittent signaling of the laryngeal and diaphragmatic muscles — is often interpreted as a sign of contentment, but the real reasons for this vocalization are a bit more complicated. First of all, not all purring indicates pleasure. Cats also purr when they are nervous or in pain, leading some experts to believe that this uniquely feline vocalization is actually a method of self-healing. A domestic cat's purr has a frequency of between 25 and 150 Hertz, which happens to be the frequency at which muscles and bones best grow and repair themselves. It is, therefore, speculated that cats naturally evolved their purr over time as a survival tactic — a biomechanical healing mechanism that ensured speedier recoveries. Of course, cats purr even when they aren't injured. Many domestic cats purr to indicate hunger, for example. A recent study out of the U.K. shows that some cats have even developed a special purr to ask their owners for food. This "solicitous purr" incorporates cries with similar frequencies as those of human babies. These conniving kitties have tapped into their owners' psyches — all for more kibble. And a cat's purr, like their meow, is also a form of communication. A mother cat teaches her kittens to purr when they are just a few days old. This helps the deaf and blind newborns locate their mother more easily, and may also serve as an early bonding mechanism. But even the experts concede that, sometimes, a purr is just a purr. One veterinarian — Kelly Morgan of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Veterinary Medicine — likens the purr to the human smile. "People will smile when they're nervous, when they want something and when they're happy, so perhaps the purr can also be an appeasing gesture," Morgan told WedMD. I never thought about a mother cat having to teach her kittens to purr sandrewn (very interesting)
  20. "Most people spend their time trying to find someone to sleep with, instead of finding someone worth waking up to" sandrewn
  21. sacredlove, I hope things are working out for you. It has been awhile, but I respect your wishes and take all time that is needed. Maybe you won't, but hopefully you will come back to us. You were (are) a part the GA family and we care. Coincidentally, if you look at your Like status level, it reads, People Really, Really Like Me! So it must be true. If you stop by I wanted to add to the many others here in... Wishing You sacredlove A Very Happy Birthday!!! sandrewn
  22. I could not find a site that said what I stated, in did you know. The closest I got was this National Geographic on clouds. Sun reflected from the grounds' surface during the day, rising warmed air heating the water droplets( what clouds are made of). Reflected sunlight from the ground (or water) surface also warming the droplets. At night these factors are not present. So during the day time, sunlight will cause the clouds to rise upwards. http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/earth/earths-atmosphere/clouds-article/ Have you ever been told to get your head out of the clouds? Truth be told, have you ever experienced fog? If you said yes (like me), we were in fact walking in a ground hugging cloud. If you could see for a short distance, then you were walking in a mist. Both are by definition types of clouds, fancy that. Keep dry sandrewn
  23. You cannot wish for happiness but you can work towards your life goals and create lasting happiness. --Roopleem sandrewn (I think I lost sight of that)
  24. The longer one lives, the more one has to remember. The danger is, in not getting lost in that past. She was one of my favorites and I will miss her. RIP Mary Tyler Moore sandrewn
  25. How to get rid of Skunk odor from your pet, you or anything else. http://dogs.about.com/od/caringfordogsandpuppies/ht/deskunking.htm http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Skunk-Smell-Out-of-the-House The Recipe & Directions http://home.earthlink.net/~skunkremedy/home/sk00001.htm sandrewn (useful stuff to know)
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